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Cheating habits?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matty_34, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. matty_34

    matty_34 Member

    Just as a query, how often do people cheat and when in the game time line? Personally, I try to get as far as I can on a game before I consider using AR codes. I only cheat regularly after the game ending.
  2. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I don't cheat at all anymore, but when I was younger I used to cheat to my hearts content... Then I realised that cheating completely spoils the game.. So that's my life story.

    ~What's the point..
  3. matty_34

    matty_34 Member

    I see your point, that's why I try to hold out on cheats until I need them.
  4. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Yeah me too, it completely destroys the point.
  5. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    cheating only when needed
  6. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

  7. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

    hardcore gamer here, never cheated, isn't the point of gaming, you vs the game programmers?

    so if you cheat, they win
  8. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    meh good point
  9. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    nice one....
  10. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    I like useful cheats - like for example, playing Hotel Dusk, & there's a cheat that lets you advance the text by clicking anywhere on the screen (instead of only on a teensy arrow in the corner of the screen).

    I'll also use cheats to get items that are otherwise impossible to get - like a few of the NES games in Animal Crossing. ;3

    And my favorite cheats of all - codes to get past anti-piracy! XD
  11. Fragata

    Fragata Well-Known Member

    I normally use cheats when i get to a hard part then get disgusted at myself and delete the game
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Infinite money is usually the one cheat I always look for :)

    Then when I get pretty annoyed at pointless random encounters when say, you are solving a puzzle to progress in the game by going to & from a location fetching stuff to put in something then as you go pointless, stupid random battles occur which are more of a nuisance than an actual challenge. In times like these I go for a "no random battles" cheat so I can progress with my sanity still intact.

    Finally, if the game requires me to level grind THEN I lay out the "Get maxed level" cheat code coupled with the other two I previously discussed above.

    My justification for cheating on an RPG (console RPGs only mind you) is that I'm in it for the game's story/plot not in requiring me to slave for countless hours so I can follow the rest of the story later on.
  13. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    I use game trainers when I'm trying out a game mod, not always though.

    Makes it fun to spam up the new units and sorts... >:D
  14. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I usually only use cheats after I beaten the game at least once.
  15. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Same here
    I use them if I really needed to.
    Also when i finish a game I use them and own everything
  16. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    i cheat if i get stuck and the game starts to get tedious because of a certain part. Otherwise never.
  17. pokekid

    pokekid Active Member

    i cheat mostly for money and items... like in new ds the legend of zelda game i wasent gonng wait till half the game is over to get the new parts (but wont let me use em anyway) or if i get anoyed so i can just fell like im in control... plus i like to have certain pokemon on the games alot i also cheat if im bored and got nothing better to do so i just use cheats for fun rilly. whats the point in useing cheats on a fully compleated game anyway?
  18. Ror ijs

    Ror ijs New Member

    i cheat with call of duty

  19. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I used to cheat when I was a kid. Now I see it's pointless and it spoils whole fun :p
  20. matty_34

    matty_34 Member

    I like the idea of the gamers V programmers, it's also nice to see not as many people hack as I thought or maybe you just aren't admitting to it ¬_¬ Thanks everybody for your input.