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CHEAP psn/xbox live trophies/achievements :)

Discussion in 'Cheats & Hints' started by mds64, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    For those wondering "htf do I get this one" then I have some easy trophy tips...note that they are CHEAP and to those wanting a challenge...don't bother.

    If your like me and want them easy then follow some basic tips.

    All games

    -For speed challenges, rush thru, with best guns/weapons equipped (combat games only)
    -Most trophies can be earnt on the easiest setting
    -Look for noobs for online muiltiplayer trophies, or (even better) find a friend or make a random
    -Start the game on the highest setting and prepare to cuss-it's quicker this way :(
    -Many trophies can be earnt just playing thru normally ie chapter trophies in resident evil

    Aliens vs predator

    -The gun achievements can be earnt by getting foes to "stock pile" as in make them gang up on you, or randomly during an online match-wait until you see one poor sucker going for a trophy/stealth kill and get them both-even better if there is another sucker doing the same as you :)

    -The six pack will take some time, but get 6 people on your friend list by any means possible (add each other before starting) and wait, it's 7 people in total you'd need to get the 6 pack trophy (and alot of patients for a match to start :( )

    -To save some time doing online matches (though you'd have to anyway to get the "tough hombre" trophy :( ) there is an XP glitch, start an online match search on "RANKED" and as soon as it says "looking for players" and player amount (basically one player in match or something like this) exit out before a match starts, then basically put the game on hard (not nightmare-need checkpoints for this) and play the first mission of marine campaign, play thru until you beat the night club part and you head down the elevator, but no matter what happens, keep 2 grenades handy...once you beat the night club part (regardless of deaths) and the elevator lets you out, aim right down on your feet and..shoot yourself with a grenade (I did this on hard and it killed me in one shot-but just in case :) ), just repeat and eventually after 10 mins approx, both trophies shall be in your hands :)
    *Credit goes to my mate "cloud4k" for finding this awesome exploit

    MK vs DC

    -To get the "arcade master" without any real effort, use Darkseid (once unlocked) and spam his laser (<< [ ]-back back square) and the computer can't do much but block or get hit-no matter what keep spamming (also helps to have the game on max difficulty to get the trophy, and 1 round, 30 seconds :p ) , also if you can try to avoid scorpion or the flash, flash teleports around and for some reason scorpion can duck under the beam...you can still try but it's these 2 that might trouble you most, thus stick to vs'ing DC side in arcade (I dunno why-it was just advised...it did work though :) )
    *Credit to user "Klonoa_Fan1994" on gamefaq forums-locked topic 3 pages back XD)

    -The fatality ones are easy, get an faq list (gamefaq's is best for this) and start a 2 player round and go for it-even better the "competitor" trophy could be earnt along the way!

    God of war 3

    -The "aMAZED" trophy can be earnt on any difficult setting, now if your not a god (which I'm not :( ) there is a little trick...when you die, select "don't continue" option and reload via the auto save file, it'll speed things up...just don't continue from that continue screen and you should be right :)
    *Credit to this goes to my mate "cloud4k" thanks to random google searching :)

    -The "hit man " trophy is easy, equip the electric whip thingie (I forgot the name) and spam L1+square and aim for his back legs...the electric shock holds him in place, doing this means it's possible to get the max before the red orbs stop...2000 hits XD

    COD modern warfare 2

    -The "no rest for wary" is dead easy-in the mission cliff hanger, there is a guy sleeping in a chair in the bunker...knife him one and don't get seen...

    -Reason why is the trophy "Ghost" can be obtained along the way, obviously don't get seen, and never fire, and don't let the guy watching over you fire at anyone, restart at each checkpoint, and along the way there is one other point, keep restarting the checkpoint and you'd get this no mater how many restarts :)

    -Beating the game on veteran is easier than one would think, just learn where the "checkpoints" are and always continue even if in a bad spot.

    Sega megadrive collection

    -Most of there are dead easy to get, not just setting the games on easy on each one, but they are dead easy achevements, the only ones that may give trouble other than colums or Dr robotnik's MBM would be playing and watching everything, to get the "played all megadrive/arcade" titles, do them all in one sitting, helps to have them all unlocked, just start each one so you get into gameplay (or for vids just watch a few seconds unless you actually want to watch) and then leave-doesn't take long.

    -For the "easy as pie" on colums, now you'd think you must do this on arcade easy, well what you need to do is set it to "easiest" in options, and go to "menu" and set the game to novice...to speed up the progress set the speed to "5" and off you go, not sure if it's a real cheap method to obtain but it works :)

    -For the "YATTA" trophy obtained from doctor robotnik's MBM, if you had the skills to do so, play thru, otherwise enter this code in the "continue screen"...

    Y-H-B-B>Yellow, happy (orange thing) Blue x2

    Straight to robotnik, on easy, you'd still need some skill or luck though...


    -You can most, if not all trophies in one run, just turn vita chamber off (that means no check points) and put the game on max difficulty, from what I've been told you can save anywhere and thus no need for checkpoints-just play smart from where you save and take your time, like in pokemon where you save in front of a legendary to capture it :)
    *Credit to "cloud4k" for giving this excellent tip as he just got platinum, I'm planning on getting it myself :)

    Ninja gaiden sigma 2

    -For the 100 hits combo, you can ethier try the team missions mode, or this little exploit...credit to the one quoted, message taken DIRECTLY from gamefaqs.

    -There is a glitch that requires online play, apparently if you download a ninja cinema clip from the team mission challenges leaderboard/chapter challenge, and that player get's trophies during that run, you also get said trophies, so far I gotten the 1000 kill trophies, I cannot confirm if the team ninja challenges can be earnt this way...

    This is however an update that disables this, so here is my instructions...

    1-Download many vids, hopefully of people playing challenges with minions rather than bosses
    2-Delete the game install
    3-Reload the install, but DO NOT update, just continue on
    4-Watch the vids

    After that's done, any trophies earnt will be unlocked for you.

    Need for speed undercover

    -The "active community member" trophy, while it seems impossible to get since they don't have community day events anymore...well EA have opened it up, meaning you just get online, race once, and it's yours, now you have to worry about the other online trophies :(

    -For the multiplayer trophies (First, cat and mouse virus, first of many, crossing the line, among the best and notorious) there is some easy tips...

    For a start, play ONLY the cops and robbers game, winning here (team based, easy to win) get's several trophies with the chance of this virus being caught (you don't know it until you get the trophy), then win 25 races here, if your in a full grid, make an effort to win no matter the odds, especially if there are "DEAD" players.

    Dead player are cheating out the "notorious" trophy, just finish the race, any position, so they sit there, i must of gotten lucky, as during my "dead run" (I left the ps3 on while asleep ;) ) I apparently got the trophy for "first of many"...helps to be on the winning side, so once you get all but notorious, switch to standard races and hope your ps3 connection doesn't drop out.

    -The "completionist" isn't so bad, it does say to beat ALL the track records (hint-for one of the trophies you need 25 records smashes as well as certain master events beaten, get a tier 1 car and smash them), but you don't need to at all, just win all of the races, domination is optional ;)

    Bioshock 2

    -Same with the first, play it on hard, and don't use the vita chambers, makes things easier (hint-you can turn the vita chambers off)

    -For the "master hacker" use your remote hacking dart at a distance for EVERY hackable machine until you get this, that way you can save the darts for when you need them, heck point blank on a vending machine works though I moved back 5 steps just incase :)

    -For the research trophies, the moment you get the camera, focus on the "sluggish" splicers, you can max them out on the first level (And you need to here-they become rare after this level) as well as everything else here, keep not you can only take 1 photo of each subject individually, and doing damage on them is advised where possible to speed things up, more damage given, the quicker the progress, also taking pics of dead ones helps but not as well as live ones

    -For "grand daddy" and "Unbreakable", if you have vitachambers off, and you save just before they show themselves, no matter what setting, you CAN get this, just save in between each fight of the big daddies, I died about 50 times and still got that silver trophy, seems loading the save's I made myself did the trick :)

    -The "Master Protector" is a hard one, even on easy, my advice is do this on the first little sister level "ryan amusements", the second gather area has a turrent you can use, but you can get it on the first area with the door that explodes, just do what I did, use ALL of your trap rivets on the left side of the piller as they all come from the right, a few on the left, making sure none are under the platform as most tend to jump, buy more from the near by machine, and place...I advise to SAVE before buying more, a glitch prevented my 40 trap rivets from my save to be carried over....thus wasted cash :(

    Anyways, from here on (this tip is for the first gather, otherwise spam them on all entrances in the area with the turret) just watch the left side for when they sneak around, and the right, especially since your gonna be doing alot of shooting here...and don't pick up the little sister until after the door breaks (the door gives damage), lay some trap rivets so you don't need to get in the doors way, and remember...if the girl screams, her progress bar dislays "!" and if your hit, even by a gunshot, restart.

    -The is an infinite health glitch in the game, but you need to do the first 2 levels of the game without it (and the last 2 as well...well it works but you won't need it), basicallly when you reach the third stage of the game, you can get yourself the plasmid "scout", the glitch is triggered when you use this at a gene bank, but as soon as you "fire" it, activate the gene bank (X button for ps3, A for 360), now change the scout plasmid to anything else, if you've done this right you'll be in scout mode while the new plasmid is set instead, press the "o" button (B for 360) and you'll return, so no damage is taken...if you have done it wrong then one of the other plasmids you had before you tried will be armed or the new one will be used (I shot the gene bank with bees many times), it takes a bit of practice to get it right, and the only way to tell if it works is to get some damage...I advise saving infront of the gene bank.

    Also note, doing ANYTHING with a little sister, adoptions, harvest (don't do this), gathers and saving her (puting her in the vent) turns it off, so be aware when this happens, so best set up traps and be ready, and turn on the cheat afterwards....I do advice just for game justice that on the final 2 levels once all sisters have been saved that you refrain from the glitch, the gene tonics and all other plasmids would mean it's no longer needed provided you got all research done (armoured shell 1 and 2 really does help as well as the health increases).

    -The "9-irony" is easy to miss, in ryan amusements, there is a statue of the founder of rapture (forgot his name), in a desk, near where the first gather takes place (upper floor), there is a golf club in this exhibit near a cabinet, use telekinesis, grab it, aim for the statue...there ya go.

    The exhibits are the ones where there is an intercom type button, press it and they talk, this one just has him at a desk, you can go behind the desk, golf club is there if this is the right one, it's near the start of the level basically.

    Lost planet 2

    -To get the "prologue B" trophy, player one does A, everyone else does B, so jump online and join another's game, and it's yours :)

    -Beating the game normally DOES NOT give you the game completion trophies, least not as straight forward as you'd think...on chapter 1-2 there is a hidden passage, here is a pic so you know where to go.


    Excuse the quality, now, each is taken from order, the start point (and where it is, to the right), the general area and on the last pic has the aim reticule aiming right at it, just jump in there and now, getting the game completion trophies shall work after you clear this hidden area.

    -The trophies DO NOT STACK so beat the game from easy, normal, hard, and extreme, and with the above tip, you must get to the hidden section at some point (and go the normal way as well)

    -The "GO VS FORCE" requires 2 vs's, and MUST be done on stage 4-3 (only time both are present), one must be in the bi-ped vs's and the other in the spider.

    Here are 2 pics.

    [​IMG]^Gan 34

    [​IMG]^GAB-25m tank form

    [​IMG]^Spider/vs mode

    You find the GAN 34 at the start of the stage, there is 2 of them, one at the VERY start and one inside the building, make sure at least ONE is working, the GAB 25M is in the second part, when you find it and you have the GAN-34 still running you can merge...but some tips are required...

    *When starting the second section, if you have both of the GAN-34's, keep ONE away from the "tentacle 8" aka the spider thing, once it's dead repair and grab it

    *You need 2 people, I repeat, TWO PEOPLE to do this

    *Everything else along the way is easy to kill, just repair when required

    Now, before you turn off the second force field, you would have walked past a cave that is force field protected...it's inside, DO NOT turn of the shield just yet, instead follow it around, you'd find 2 guys and a bleed vs here, kill them, and prepare to merge...

    Now the easy part, while in both of those (the GAB 24m MUST be in tank form) hold down both control sticks, and move the left to the left, and right to the right, the GAN-34 will hover, the GAB 24m will open up...press circle and you shall merge...

    Dead fun, the tank drives, the bi-ped becomes a turret, there is also an attack that requires team work (tank presses square, and so does the biped)

    More detail in the vs manual (2 separate ones depending on where your at) under the name "GAB25MWB" and "GAN34W" also known as the "Brocakti"

    -The honey moon period trophy is easy to get, wait 6 months, or change the ps3's clock forward 6 months/year, don't sign into the psn or remain offline, go in, wait, check noms (titles), change clock back, fix time :)


    -All I can really offer are some general tips to help getting these, most are skill based.

    *Play on easy first and get a layout of the game and the mechanics, it also helps getting some of the challenge ones

    *Do the "Alfheim" challenges only on normal, they get insanly hard past this

    *The reason I say to beat easy first is because you get the "devil marionette" which is basically "dial-a-combo" and even AUTO DODGES, sure it halves your points, but once you get platinum ranks in 10 stages as well as the harrier mini game then points don't matter trophy wise, note that the final boss is sorta immune due to it's limited attack time for you to hit

    *Another item you WILL need is the "Evil Harvest Rosary", if you dodge an attack in time instead of witch time it drops an energy bomb, sure you may like witch time better but on climax mode IT'S DISABLED, so dropping these help, and with devil marionette...not much chance of dying ethier (though i played hard without the devil marionette just so I get what the game is worth XD)


    *For this because I listed the dlc, all those with "in the dlc" are in the lines on and below that point, when I state a new one, it'll be part of the same dlc

    -Overall very easy to get the bulk of the main story ones, with a few exceptions where a youtube video shall show where to go, just play everything, do all the missions, and ALWAYS host, never join a random game as it'll mess up story progression which you'll need, and be sure to grab the best guns, these help out :p

    -Easy way to get the "pandora-dog millionaire" is to ask soemone who has a gun worth that much, sure you can't use it, but you can sell it, I know places where the guns are worth your max wallet :p (not that a newb can access, or soemone without the dlc's)

    -Alot of the co-op ones can be done split screen, do as they suggest and do them, they viral "And they'll tell two friends" is easy, when hosting a game it'll pop, online that is, that is the only one you need to do online

    -For the dlc "the zombie island of doctor ned", the trophy "braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains" seems like a chore, so here is a tip, when the correct missions are activated, the zombies brains are HARDER to earn because you need direct head shots, my advice is to NEVER pick up brains, you might find them laying around from previous tours :)

    -For the dlc "mad moxxie's underdrome riot", an easy cheat to finish all of the stadiums easy is to have someone you know and trust that hasnt done any of it yet host...with a low leveled character.

    The levels match the host level, minimum 10, thus bring in some beefed outs guys-ownage (the less the better but more fun :) )

    -On the dlc "The secret armory of general knoxx", some seem hard, especially the "vincible" trophy, do this last and complete every other mission in the game before hand, next go online with someone doing the same play through as you (one in most cases), be sure the host is a high level character (69 is prefered), reason being is they can take him down on their own...or you might find someone using hacked weapons, dont touch any of their gear if they drop it, if it has no level restriction, DONT TOUCH-these may corupt saves

    -For the "loot midgets", there are many youtube vids on locations, however the first one you may find might be "meat popsicle"...you dont have to kill this one if it's the one I fought (I was level 44 when I started this dlc, 5 mins in found him...well the wrong one, level 61 and kicked my ass, you'll find another of a lower level...so kill one's to your level, not the super meat popsicle >_> )

    -For the "speed kills", you need to have access to the racer, and driver around...find an enemy apc=kill it

    Note that these apc's don't attack unless provoked or you drive far too close, they are passive

    -For the "sucker born every minute", find "the world's largest bullet" which I believe is in deep fathoms, can't miss it, in the sandy area, large silo shaped like a bullet...there is a shack near by with a money box, with a prompt to pay, you need 8 million...once paid it does nothing at all.

    Except unlock this trophy, to avoid the loss of cash, use your home buttom/xmb and quit as soon as it pops

    -The "completionist" trophy in general knoxx seems easy enough, problem is there are a few glitches, while they seem great to use they can BUG YOUR GAMES!!!

    So while you can do the glitches I advise not to, play thru the game as normal (playing with a hacker is fine just dont use their weapons/touch them) and if you see something such as a player dropping thru the floor (armory glitch-by passes the bomb timer allowing infinite time to explore the guns), I advise booting them and letting the timer go off as normal, if you want to try the glitch locate the boderland wikia, and find the infomation page about the glitch, there is a single point that locks down the armory door and thus preventing you from doing 3 missions that go by this area (a story related one from athena which I believe is "loot larcenary", "super marcus sweep" from marcus and "it's like christmas" again from marcus).

    Also, don't have all 3 missions active at once, technically you can't unless you join soemone else's game who is ahead of you.

    -For the dlc "claptrap's new robot revolution", the boss trophies need you to beat the bosses twice, just play thru the story

    -The collection trophies require major grinding, finding clap traps and blowing them to bits, not only their parts for "the collector" trophy, but stuff like...panties, bobble heads and such (anything other than a gun or money=pick up in other words)

    -For the "tourist" trophy, in the BEGINING of each area there are clap trap statues, "talk" to them (should be a dial on the front) for each to count, if you get lost, youtube shall help :)

    [X] More to come, any questions or anything you want me to correct, please post, also some of these may work on xbox games, but a game update may block out some exploits, keep that in mind, but all these are currently working on latest updates :)
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: CHEAP psn trophies :)

    I'm still waiting to actually buy a game with trophies...
    Last time I bought a game was near launch.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: CHEAP psn trophies :)

    Quite a few of mine lack trophies, but I've been aiming at ones with trophies lately...

    6 game without trophies, and 7 with...ain't like fun with saved cash and second hand dealers :)
    Post Merge: [time]1271088313[/time]
    Updated, COD MW2 is now into the list :)
  4. piager

    piager Member

    Re: CHEAP psn trophies :)

    Maybe post a link where you can download savegames? ;D
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: CHEAP psn trophies :)

    This is about psn trophies, pre-saved games won't give you instant trophies, you gotta earn them mate.

    Or earn them at a cheaper price :)
  6. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Re: CHEAP psn trophies :)

    easy tophies but hard to platinum,i got 39 platinums including mw2 and gow3
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: CHEAP psn trophies :)

    39 platinums?


    ..any cheap tricks used?
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm constantly updating this people, if you got any tips please post them here or inbox me :)
  9. 01philip01

    01philip01 Active Member

    you should add burnout, easy throphys, fun game,
    only bad thing is u need ps eye for platnium
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Could you list some that could be earnt via exploit/glitch'/require some extra tips to achive?

    I prefer expoits or shortcuts where possible :)
  11. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    at the moment 40 platinums,later today i may have 41 with godfather 2 platinum
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I saw you had Hannah montanna platinum..never knew those games had trophies ???

    Any easy/glitched trophies so we can keep this on topic?
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Updated with bioshock, people, I wasn't kidding about the updates, please give me any tips to getting ANY trophy easier and you will get credit :)
  14. chaunceez

    chaunceez Well-Known Member

    bioshock one or 2?
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Hey, can you like format your tips, like bolding the game titles, and get rid of all of the spelling errors, like earnt is supposed to be earned.

    It's getting kind of annoying to sift through that when it's not even polished...
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If I meant 2 I'd have listed it, but I assume it'll still work for most of it.

    ...so firefox spell check wasn't doing it's job?

    I'll bold up for you (christ I thought my mother nagged-just be glad this isn't hand written :p)
    Post Merge: [time]1272586448[/time]
    UPDATE:I "proof read" this as a request by insane crazy...

    I made this in 5 mins and planned to merely planned to update, now if anyone complains about the spelling, those are names of games, how I prefer to spell (like thru as one example) and other instances that firefox can't detect.

    Only worth while ones were spacing it out and bolding up the game titles.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Updated with new cheats, be advised that if any don't work for you please tell me here asap as some are untested, I'm also gonna add some ninja gaiden sigma 2 trophies from personal experience as well as ones I find.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Need for speed under cover added, and more to come as I unlock.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Bioshock 2 is there guys, more coming since I'm bloody well enjoying it :)
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Lost planet 2 is up now y'all :)