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Changing discs

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by mtatomic64, Jan 9, 2009.

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  1. mtatomic64

    mtatomic64 Member

    Hello again... i use psx 1_13 emulator and i have a problem... how can i change discs??
    i use psx iso's 2 play the game... when i'm about 2 change a disc it won't let me... do i need a disc 2 do it or what??
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Should be able to just load the 2nd image once you're done at the first.
  3. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    yes...you need cd2 of the game you played...(what game do you play?)
    if the emu dont have the change disc menu, then load it like you load the 1st disk
    and so on...and so on.... ;D
  4. mtatomic64

    mtatomic64 Member

    well i'm aiming on the ff series.. (7,8,9)
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