Hi Guys! This poll is about the following... what would you do if your school mate challenged you to a DS match? Feel Free to Vote!Also,you guys can post what you guys would really do in that situation! Thanks guys!
*Calls All your School Mates to Watch you as you Simply PWN your opponent with a Powerfull finisher move that is so powerfull that destroys his DS.* It was so almighty at that day that my DS broke : O now I want a DS Lite or DSi...mine is the old one >: / Well then,my friend challenged me for a Mario Kart DS match.I didn't even needed to call my school mates because I were already surrounded by them .Then,after I get 2 whole laps ahead of him,he just gave up.Then he looked at me with a face of *PWNED*.The same thing happened with the next 3 students.Yep I'm good : P
*Calls All your School Mates to Watch you as you Simply PWN your opponent with a Powerfull finisher move that is so powerfull that destroys his DS.* indeed, it was too easy!!
I don't wanna destroy somebody else's DS. I'd wanna pwn him over and over again, so I can keep playing. Hahaha
Hey Dancubs don't worry about breaking his DS.You can destroy his DS with an almighty power,then he will have to buy another DS.Then you can do this over and over again!
Come on. Someone who got his DS blown up because of someone else's sheer almighty power would go and buy another one to go and get his DS blown up again? No way. I go for the longer lasting pleasure. PWNAGE 4LIFE.
haha.I will PWN inoccent people on Mario Kart tomorrow at school again.I just hope that I can hold myself and have mercy on theirs souls.....
I wouldent want to destroy their DS, because they might try to kill me...But I would still kick their butt with Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon!
Calls All your School Mates to Watch you as you Simply PWN your opponent with a Powerfull finisher move that is so powerfull that destroys his DS.
Don´t even need to accept it.Everybody knows you´re way too good at video game.OWNED. Everyone's to scared to challenge me..xD
I'm just so awesome that I would own them, even if it was a game on style or something, becuase that is how good I am at video games and every one in my school knows it. Because Everyone who has challenged me has lost horribly.
Not even close, I challenge you to a duel!!!!!!!!!!1 Post Merge: [time]1267938655[/time] At MKW!!!!!!