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catching pokemon for your team..

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by jonesyruless, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. jonesyruless

    jonesyruless Member

    at what level do you guys usually start capturing pokemon that you would like to add on to your team? like sometimes i cant decide if i should use, for example, this level 6 pontya i just caught, or wait till later in the game where there are level 15 pontyas so i wont have to spend as much time trying to level it up, y'know?

    do you guys usually just catch one the first time you see it and start training it up if you know you want that pokemon on your team? or do you wait till you catch one thats higher level later on?
  2. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    Catch a pokemon as soon as possible and then train them.
  3. jCherry

    jCherry Member

    The earlier you catch and level up a Pokemon, the stronger it'll be.
    Also, you're less likely to miss any early moves you might want to keep (I'M LOOKING AT YOU LEVEL 15 VULPIX WITHOUT EMBER >:V). So start grinding that level 6 Ponyta!
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I pick stuff up as I go along. I'm not sentimental, merely pragmatic.

    That said, I've been training my Butterfree and Bellsprout as well :X
  5. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    catch or breed, it does not matter,but lover the level the better pokemon it will be later on
  6. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Not quite true. In 3rd and 4th gen it comes down to EVs, which aren't hard to grind if you use the Macho items. 1st and 2nd gen have stat experience, which works similarly.

    A pokemon that started training from a lower level, when compared to the higher level one, will have slightly higher stats, yes... but their stats will be very similar at maximum level. What distinguishes that are DVs/IVs, which cannot be changed and are completely random.

    That said, I try to decide which Pokémon I want to use as I go. If I notice I'm lacking a type or have a huge weakness in my team, I fix it as needed. Usually, I pick one or two pokes I for-sure want on my team, then spend the rest of my slots rounding the team out and covering weaknesses.
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    The stat difference between a caught lv 6 and 15 pokemon (when comparing at the same lv) is too minimal too care about imho, so don't worry about it. Although, jCherry does have a point regarding moves.

    It's more worthwhile to care about the nature, to make sure no important stat gets screwed up, which is why I usually catch a few of the same pokemon before adding it my team.
    Which is so far (SS):
    >spearow (replacing it with doduo eventually)
    >eevee (for vaporeon)
  8. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Indeed, if you don't feel like catching a bunch to compare genes, at least catch a few to compare natures. A good nature can make a "meh" Pokemon worthwhile.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member


    I've taken to catching and training stuff as I go along this playthrough, which hasn't always been my strategy. Best to mix things up (<3 Growlithe).
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    normally i start catching after i receive my poke-ball and after i earn some matchs, normally i start to catch the pokemon to fullfill my pokedex, until the pokemon that i'm looking for appear.