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Carrots cause Swedish bomb scare

Discussion in 'General News' started by 1prinnydood, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I think the Swedish police have been watching too many cartoons.
  2. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Yeah i read about this, quite hilarious but i suppose i could see the worry. Just imagine some dude walking in holding a clock and some wires coming from it and going into his jacket, wouldn't that scare you?
  3. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    It would not scare me if I had seen those wires leading to carrots! ;)
  4. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    it can be classified as an act of terrorism. the person behind that stunt should be arrested and charge with terrorism, and i dont mean that in the lightest way.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The whole art aspect he is trying to give, is bullshit. ^Yes.
  6. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Makes complete sense.
  7. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    So placing any rod with an obvious clock and a wire is an act of terrorism? Strange world...

    Lesson learnt: when making an explosive, don't make it look like one. (or am I assisting in terrorism now...)
  8. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    The people should NOT be arrested, show me the law that says it's illegal to tape carrots together?
    or the one that says it's illegal to make something look incredibly vaguely like a bomb?

    Honestly, I wear glasses and quite frankly I still can't mistake carrots for bombs.

    Note:: terrorists tend not to leave obvious looking carrot-bombs laying around, they try to make discreet ones that don't look like bombs
  9. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    like suitcases or pregnant women
    this is actually true...
  10. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Guess who's biological clock just stopped ticking... :p
  11. Slayerzigx

    Slayerzigx Member

    All parties involved should be shot, including the police.
  12. aaaaaaa7

    aaaaaaa7 Well-Known Member

    Oh no a Carrot with wires.They're trying to make a battery out of them!
  13. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    do you know what terrorism is? shortest description: Terror
    another words for terror, fear, scary things or scary acts.

    when i leave a bag or a box in a place were people frequently go to, and just leave it there, what do you suppose it was? maybe before the 9/11, or rizal day bombing, or bali bombing or before Bin laden was not acting like a terrorist, it was supposed to be assumed that you just forgot the bag/box there, but now, why do you suppose he left it there?

    also, i assume that those who are not scared of that carrot thing is not well informed about terrorism or doesnt care about the people that died because of terrorist bombs... well, I cant blame anybody about it, we have our own opinions about that topic and we should all respect those opinions even how ridiculously wrong it is.
  14. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I live in Northern Ireland, I have been caught in 4 different bomb attacks, I have been shot at on 5 occasions, I have lost 5 uncles, 7 cousins & 1 aunt to terrorism. I am not scared of comedy carrot bombs. Don't expect a person who has lived through terror to accept that I should be scared by this, if you can't see the joke that's fine, but I do.
    Also, I am probably one of the few people on these boards who has actually seen a number of real bombs, and was unfortunatly in the very uncomfortable posistion of being in a terrorist bomb factory once. Wanna know what the average bomb looks like? It looks like a plastic bag full of sand, no wires, no timers. If you people are serious when you say you are terrorised by the notion of cartoon bombs then it's not going to take much for a real terrorist to terrorise you. Your paranoia is their victory.
    I stand up to terrorists, I deal with the bastards every week, a UVF commander lives across the street from me ffs. Don't dare suggest that I should be scared of a carrot bomb. Some of us have real threats to deal with, and I don't deal with them by being a coward or a paranoid fool.
  15. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    oh, sorry about that. i just dont like making fun out of bombs or the way it is potrayed. Here in the philippines, especially when you have lived in mindanao, where the JI and other terrorist suspects lives, bombs are not a joking matter. just a box left by some person or a bag, is to be considered dangerous.

    We also have that "joke bombs". I even remember in a news about a bag/box left and someone concerned called the bomb team to investigate and neutralize the situation. It wasn't a "real bomb", but Adult magazines that some people also call "bombs".

    Also, because its about jokes, it should be put on the jokes forum, not in world news.
  16. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Sometimes the news can be funny. It is a real news article. I posted it for two reasons, firstly, because it is funny and secondly, it relates to the insane paranoia that has gripped the world, and if that is not worthy of news or discussion then I don't know what is.
  17. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I was in the airport the other day, and like every five minutes, some guy would come over the loudspeaker saying to report any unattended luggage to a security officer, as it may be a security threat... or lost luggage?
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If I started screaming "you like my bomb I just made" in a busy train station, I would rightfully get punished...

    It can be classed as terrorism because-

    -your scaring people

    -your testing the authorities patients

    -your a bloody idiot who doesn't think about what your doing to people!

    Think of those who died in real events-and for the survivors to re-live it thru a prank?


    I made a vowel...

    If anyone does this near me they deserve a good knife hand thrust thru the stomach (a taekwondo move)!
  19. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    The definition of terrorism is creating fear in the Public's eyes so yeah, it is an act of terrorism :-\ I gotta admit, they do need there punishment on this one
  20. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    I'll keep that in mind next time I yell "boo" and I'll be on the watch for the authorities who're gonna arrest me for terrorism over it.
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