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Captured US Soldier: Video Released

Discussion in 'General News' started by branraf, Jul 19, 2009.

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  1. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member


    Well i don't exactly see what the taliban are trying to do here but it won't have much effect. But thats not exactly what i want to go on about. Since when did the Taliban care about international law ??? What do you think about this story?
  2. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    The Taliban doesn't really care about international law because to them, it is a law created by what they call hypocrites and blasphemous nations who go against Allah or God. POWs or prisoners of war have been used many times to spread propaganda and demands for the enemy. Since the soldier in the video looks frightened and wa obviously tortured, the Taliban broke the laws set during the 3rd Geneva convention.

    However, since the Taliban does not recognize International law, they will do anything in their power to drive the coalition forces out of Afghanistan.
  3. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    That video is made to lower morale and let the forces against the Taliban, to accept terms which is against their will.

    I'm really sorry for me being insensitive, cause I know its hard to be a prisoner not to be scared. But pls remember, you are a soldier, to die in combat would be the highest possible honor you can give to yourself, your family and to your country. What i want to see is someone like Rambo. I know rambo is fictional but he is a type of soldier that should be an inspiration to all other soldiers. To fight when capable, to resist when surrounded, and tries to escape if captured.

    I dont know why these days, when 1-2 person are captured, an entire army retreats. Where are the days when you are scared, your commanding officer shoots you from behind for desertion, treason, or cowardice in battle? Where is the honor in battle? What we need today are heroes, who think of others welfare than himself.

    But, like I said, I know what he feels and I just hope he makes out of that situation alive. But if the army in that area retreats for his welfare, then damn, what a waste of lives.
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