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Can't Resume

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by suh8lim3, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. suh8lim3

    suh8lim3 Member

    I can't seem to get my download to resume. I believe the first game i downloaded or rather TRIED to download it had the option to resume and every time after that it says "Resume: No" or has no info next to the resume part of the download. I'm using internet download manager and its updated. When I do try to resume it tells me something like the name of the file im download is a different name of the one on the site so i tried to download that named version, stop it, and resume that name but still no luck. I'm losing points quickly seeing as my wireless internet goes out a lot. Any help?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you're not losing points if you restart the download within 24 hours. The site supports resuming so seph will have to look into whats happening here.
  3. suh8lim3

    suh8lim3 Member

    is there any easy way to fix it as of now? would using flashget help?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I honestly don't know at this point, you can try it.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well I test using flash get and it works there, I'll try downloading internet download manager and give it a try there.

    Edit: I just tested with IDM and it works as well, can you please verify if the issue still exists? I made a change earlier which might throw some download managers.
  6. suh8lim3

    suh8lim3 Member

    I just tested it again and now instead of saying "Unknown" next to the Resume part on IDM and not letting me resume now it just blank says "No" lol >.<
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Try updating your program? I tested with latest versions of flash get and FDM and it worked on both, I can't really debug what I can't replicate.
  8. suh8lim3

    suh8lim3 Member

    I just tried again with IDM and i even bought the program to see if having the full version would work and still nothing. I even updated FDM cause you said it works and i stopped it about a minute after starting it to imitate the internet going down (my wireless goes down periodically)and when i resumed it it said the site doesnt support resuming or something like that
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'll need more data then, could you please try downloading flashget, the free version, and start a download, then pause it for a minute or so and start it again?
  10. suh8lim3

    suh8lim3 Member

    I downloaded Flashget and put the url for the link to the game in and i waited till it was about 200k done and paused it and then resumed and it started it over again. I tried twice and both times it started over
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Okay then, flashget has a log tab in the lower section, I want you to try again and this time go to Log. Select one of the Jets, which one shouldn't matter, right click in the log area and choose select all, then copy afterwards. Paste that to a pastebin like pastie.org and then PM me the link to that paste. That should give me some data to work with.
  12. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Maybe a strange question, but how long have you been experiencing this problem? Has it worked before? And when was that?