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cant play riviera and aedis eclipse on chickhen 5.03 gen-c

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by JosephDredd, May 26, 2010.

  1. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    hey there.. this is my first time posting on this message board, so if this is agaisnt the rules, feel free to tell me..

    as the topic title says, i cant play riviera and aedis eclipse using the chickhen 5.03 gen-c, whenever i tried, there's an error "80020148", game cannot be played. anyway, i was wondering if anyone have a solution on how i can play these 2 games, they are great games and it is a pity if they are just left there for me to see T_T
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Are these 2 playstation games?

    Have they been converted for use on psp or have you thrown them onto the psp as straight iso's?

    If the later, they will need conversion, if they have, make sure they are in the folder they have been generated into, they don't work on their own (the eboot files) unless they are in a folder.
  3. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    no they're PSP games.
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Opps, sorry, I never heard of these and just assumed.

    Well then, they should be working...where did you get them from, and are they iso's?
  5. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    from the internet, and yes they're in iso format.

    the problem here (based on my research), is not the games themselves, it's the firmware. the chickhen 5.03 gen-c firmware, it's not compatible with these 2 games.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps you could try this fix?

  7. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    isnt those for patching games?
  8. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Funny, I've been playing Riviera today for three hours on 5.03 GEN-C firmware.
  9. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member


    Post Merge: [time]1274899174[/time]
    what PSP are you using? and are you using chickhen?
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    3004, Chickhen R2, Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-C Final.
  11. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    huh that's weird.. im using a PSP 3003, but i dont think that will make a difference.. would it?
    Post Merge: [time]1274899714[/time]
    can you think of anything that you might have done differently to your PSP? maybe installed a patch, or a fix to the game.. do you have the link to the game btw?
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Well, it could be your game thats bad. I've never patched the game at all. Are you using the final release for Gen-C?


    The game here.


    from PSPISOz.

  13. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    yes, maybe.. at first i thought so too so i downloaded another version of the game, but the same problem occurs.. i guess it couldnt hurt to download this a third time but it will be hard on my bandwidth T_T
  14. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Also, make sure to install the "system data" when you open riviera, if it does not even open, you should check your system information to see if you're actually on GEN-C and not just ChickHEN.
  15. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    yeah, i've checked, thanks for the advice.
  16. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    No problem, by the way, Rose has the best voice in my opinion. Good luck in the game, it's mighty hard.
  17. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    hm? the link doesnt work..

  18. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    If you patch the game, it may play...that's what you may have to do.