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Can't a Girl get any Love!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ChibiGamer, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Gee can't a girl get any love! I leave for a few months and I come back to find I have NO messages! *weeps* I thought y'all really loved me!

    He he ^_^ Just teasing :) Just wanted to say Hi and I'm back and if you remember me from my 15 or so measly posts well then Yippee!! If not well then Wooties!

    Hugs! -Chibi
  2. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Did you leave a notice somewhere? Because I'm overflowing with love..I can hand it out by the bucketfull, I would have left some at your doorstep if I knew...with a little note on it saying, "Keep refrigerated."

    Anyway, I have no clue who you are but you seem cool so welcome back and may it be a prosperous stay!! (I really have no clue what I'm talking about mind you)

  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    And I thought you just didn't like us. :D
    So what were you up to? I find is suspicious that anyone can simply leave us for a couple of months, were you kidnapped or something?
  4. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Would someone who was kidnapped come back with such a joyful attitude?....maybe though..it isn't really her..hmm....

    Sorry to burst your bubble Seph.

  5. Spyder

    Spyder Guest

    It could be a Skrull! :D
  6. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    A gurl on teh intarnets!?! DIS IS MADNESS!

    Well, welcome back. Enjoy your stay and try to stay active!
  7. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Oh gosh no! It had nothing to do with y'all. I was completely kidnapped, And I'm so joyful because I escapeded that horrible place known only as, Real Life *gaspus*

    I'm sorry I was a bad girl and was gone for so long :(

    Will Cookies and Hugs make it all better? ^_^

    But seriously, I'm not sure I mentioned it before but if I disappear it's because I'm not able to get out of bed. I get sick really easily and even little bugs knock me out for awhile. :)

    I sorry :(

    GASP! A Girl! Where?!! Ooo, me! Yes, I r madness incarnate RAWR!
    And thank you, I really will try to stay active even if it's just a HI every now and then. :)
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    If presented in large enough quantities then cookies and hugs will be accepted as your formal apology.

    Now tell us, who kidnapped you, we'll make sure said person can't walk for years! No one steal our forum posters!
  9. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Awww, Okay I feel loved now! Hugs Hugs Hugs! And Cookies for all ^_^

    Viva La Revolution!
  10. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    ...How did you get out of that cage?

    I could've swore I locked it before I left.
  11. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    Eep! *runs and hides*

    I didn't tell them a thing honest! :-X
  12. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Okay, but tell them what happened there and I'll have to lock you up again :)
  13. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    I know nothing about no cage ;D
  14. Mikeyface

    Mikeyface Member

    Nor about 'no' grammar. :eek:

    just kidding.

    Welcome back (not that you know me)
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We're just practising for the upcoming Talk Like a Pirate Day. RomUlation will DEMAND that our users speak like a pirate on that day.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    YARR! Or thy timbers be shivered :p
  17. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Pirate day? Sounds creepy.
  18. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It's a totally cool day, it's September 19th.

  19. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Shortly after my bday!
  20. Blue phoenix

    Blue phoenix New Member

    Well, for some strange reason, nobody knows me at all ;)
    Welcome back.