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Canadian Federal Elections

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by codemeister1990, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. Polls show
    36% Conservatives
    25% Liberals
    19% NDP
    9% Bloc
    9% Green

    Another minority conservative government :-X
    Am I right in thinking that minority governments are less effective than majority?
    And is our political system becoming too watered down, will there ever be another majority?
    Are we a divided country?
  2. sesa

    sesa Well-Known Member

    Its better than the American 2 party system.
  3. Themagekiler

    Themagekiler Member

    Personally I would not mind a majority conservative government, I believe we need a conservative government during these times of financial problems and stephen harper has not done anything completely bad like the liberals before.
  4. ::) its a good dream

    Conservative = good for business
    NDP = good for lazy people
    Liberal = good for nothing
  5. my vote doesn't matter where I live, not even close
    I'm in the high park-parkdale riding, and its been a liberal/NDP lock for the past 20-30 years, when it was made larger and the name was changed from swansea-high park