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Canada does it again

Discussion in 'General News' started by crazytuna, Dec 9, 2009.

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  1. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member


    basically anyone older than 18 is going to jailllllllllllll
    if you ever talk to a minor on the Internet
    ahhh Canadian laws...
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Bah, this would have been happening for years now...

    Glad I'm not there, all the romU people I help on msn are a risk to me legal wise.

    I already got enough on my back with speeding fines, illegal downloading and sharing, as well as a few things I killed...

    Ignore that last part ;D
  3. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I think this only applies to Canadians
    if not
    you're breaking the law right now :p
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    But if it's online then it might go cross country...

    I mean, theroetically, I can lure someone to another country and do god knows what, or I can lure them to a place where ethier I will meet them, or they meet someone I'm assosiated with to do god knows what.

    I think like they do, like a psyco path.
  5. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Im thinking that Canada may have extradition treaties with other countries,so you may get collared wherever you are situated.
    That judge couldnt say for sure that the guy "wasnt" going to meet the kid,more like hadnt met the kid.That law is total bollocks,but I am in favour of snaring Internet paedos....

    MDS,how can you get a speeding ticket with that car youve got LOL.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My car can exceed speed limits...and the acceleration is higher than what the comon person would think.

    But if I change the air filter and parts of the headers, the car can go up to 200kms.

    Mine won't go past 120km's...well it could but it would take hours just to get to 130km's :(

    I just realised...I seen so many jokes about canada being a little loose with laws (like the pharmacy and drug laws and stuff) and this is rather a big step up.

    Should I congratulate or be worried ???
  7. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    well with a free health care system, it wouldn't be surprising to easily get specific medicine
    but yeah some of those laws are really weird
  8. Tri_Edge

    Tri_Edge Active Member

    ahh crap,
    but what if you dont know that theyre littles
  9. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I think it doesn't work as a legitimate defense
  10. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    oh shit.... im canadian but im in china phew.
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it would have to. There is no way of telling someone's age over the internet.
  12. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    So in a couple of years Im not allowed to talk to half of the people here in RomU?? That sucks.... Assuming ofcourse that Im still a regular here....
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    By us talking to the under aged users of Romulation, we are facilitating their piracy crimes and corrupting their youthful innocence...

    We are all screwed if we step foot in Canada :)
  14. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Whos we?? Me and tuna are living here....
  15. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I meant the "I didn't know" argument

    I think this law only affects Canadians towards Canadians or something
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