Our Ps3 died recently , it would turn on then turn off. Its an older model and its to costly to fix so i have been told. My question is if someone got a hold of the hard drive can they retreive my personal info? email.credit card info? thanks Terra
More than likely not. If it is anything like most other current gen systems, it uses it's own file system.
if you are planning to dispose of the broken PS3 then I would remove the hard disk and destroy it to be on the safe side. A large hammer will do the job.
My friend bought a refurbished PS3 from gamestop and they didn't even wipe the previous owner's credit card data or anything from the hard drive. Based on that, I'd say finding a way to format it at the very least would be an excellent idea.
or you could, you know... use it for your laptop and format it real hard, or just put it in another ps3.
Well someone offered me $ to use it for parts, but there is info on there. Is there a way to delete that info with my pc or something. we bought another one .My son is bummed he has alot of saved data on the broken one. And has to start all over on the new one..I appreciate all your help everyone ;-) thanks Terra
most laptops already have higher capacity disks than what is in a PS3. You could swap the old disk into the new PS3, or connect it to a computer and run killdisk on it.
Fortunately, my laptop has two HDD bays. Another 55 GB is better than nothing. You could just use it as another HDD for dicking around on with a different OS installed on it. Perfect for experimenting with any OS you don't already have.