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Can you get Infinite Space to look right?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kyrandiel, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. Kyrandiel

    Kyrandiel Member

    I've tried a few configurations and I can't manage it. Can anyone get the game to run properly, to look like it does in screenshots? Or am I hoping for too much from an emulator.
  2. Chris2k9

    Chris2k9 Active Member

    What do you mean by "look right"
    Be more specific.
  3. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I have it working fine on an emulator, I think.

    What emulator are you using?
  4. msf3blackace

    msf3blackace Member

    What flashcard or emulator are you using? Oh sorry, I stumbled into the wrong forum.
  5. gregor1997

    gregor1997 Active Member

    Do you mean the ship in screenshot 2?
    This is opponents ship. If you tap the cam icom you can look at it.
  6. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    Right left right left chu chu chu
  7. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    You can try no$gba and no$zoomer.
    Cnaging the renderer between nocash and OpenGl might help.
    And also try to mess around with the Ex in the Extra option.