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Can someone share their HGSS save file? (Now includes Save Files with 3 starters

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by padfoot, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    I wanted the three starter pokemon but i dont want to have to go through the start of it three times until i can trade. Just wondering if anyone could help me out. Prefer if they weren't leveled very high. If you could tell me what lvl your pokemon are and which ones i'd appreciate. Train on!
  2. Wild_Kat

    Wild_Kat Guest

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Don't you have friends at school that has Pokemon?

    If so, ask them to breed one and trade it to you.

    That's the only non-cheating way I know.
  3. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Haha i'm 23. Not at school.
    And nah i don't. My girlfriend has a AceKard aswell, but she's finishing off Platinum before she starts this so it'll be awhile. Thought i'd ask people here since i'm sure there will be people continually starting this game.
  4. Wild_Kat

    Wild_Kat Guest

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Go to GameFAQS and check their downloadable save files there.

    If all else fails, Google it.
  5. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Thanks, checked GameFAQS, has saves, which is awesome. But they're all finished and would be far too high leveled for me to enjoy. I've also googled it before i asked here and didn't find anything. Hopefully someone will come along with same idea and all post their games before they get anywhere, i chose Totodile and will upload him as soon as i can for people.
  6. Wild_Kat

    Wild_Kat Guest

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Ask people at GameFAQS at the Pokemon SS/HG board.
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Just pokesav them into your game. If you chose Cyndaquil, make a copy, change the pokemon to Totodile or Chikorita, change the ability, randomize the IVs, click PID/IV and take the first one in the list to get your randomized Nature, and if you really care about going legit, then make up two trainer IDs so it looks like you traded to get them.
  8. big_lotz

    big_lotz New Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Or you could get the high leveled ones off GameFAQs and breed them...
  9. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Um whaaat?! Yeah no idea what aaany of what you said means. I think i'll just start and save three different games. Do a trade when i can get another DS to mix with. If anyone wants the saves hit me up because i'll keep them saved for future games too. :)
  10. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starter pokemon.

    Pokesav is a handy program that allows you to edits your save file,so you can use that to get all 3 Starters,or pretty much anything you want :p
    Not sure if there's a HG/SS version out or not though
  11. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starters (incl Saves)

    Wow, thats sneaky as. Great idea. I had a long repetative game session with my girl today and we both now have all 3 starters.

    Here is the save games for both HG & SS. All 3 pokemon are in there, so have fun trading away. All unamed and very low levels so you can do what you please with em. Hope it comes in handy for some people.
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: Can someone share their HGSS save file? Want all 3 starters (incl Saves)

    I bet you just spent over an hour doing that...
  13. padfoot

    padfoot Well-Known Member

    Haha yeah i did, my girl on the other hand chose to battle everytime and play it normally, frustrating but whatever, as you'll see the pokemons levels differ. I was so annoyed at how slow i walked but then i got the shoes, they should give you a RAZ0R scooter or something before the bike haha.