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Can Dreams Be Symbolic?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Azoliem, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Azoliem

    Azoliem New Member

    I had the weirdest dream last night. What do you think it could mean?

    Last night, I dreamed that I owned this house up the street. It was a beautiful house -- no doubt -- but there were some 'weird' things going on. There were monsters appearing every time I would make a mistake or trip up. For instance, spilling water.

    And that's when my good friend, Joey, knocked on the door. Now, Joey's liked me for the longest time, but I wouldn't say I like him in that way. He's one of those people I would never ask out, but if he asked me out, I would say yes.

    When he appeared, all the monsters disappeared. It was almost like magic. And so he acted as if nothing ever happened, and as always gave me a hug. Looking over his shoulder, there's a girl there. I feel mad for some reason.

    Later on, he asks me to wear this cheesy cat outfit. I would never do this in real life, but for some reason I did it. I then ran outside to show him. Hugging me and calling me "adorable" as he always does, the girl is still standing behind him. We lie on the grass and watch the clouds. I see the girl in the clouds.

    What does this mean? Thank you.

    EDIT: Sorry if this isn't the place to ask stupid questions, but I just started.
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Its mean you like him, go ask him out girl friend xxx
  3. Azoliem

    Azoliem New Member

    Thanks, but I don't really like him... xD
    Say, do you have any weird dreams like this?
  4. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    It must be something on your mind, maybe repressed feeling towards this gay GUY
    You could make someone very happy.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    dreams are not literal, do not try to interpret them literally.
  6. Azoliem

    Azoliem New Member

    I suppose I could.
    Sorry for that.
  7. Sarra93

    Sarra93 New Member

    death is waiting
  8. Azoliem

    Azoliem New Member

    It always is, silly.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I had a dream that a person joined a gaming forum and started asking strangerss she'd never met about her dreams.
    What could this mean?
  10. maccaman20

    maccaman20 Well-Known Member

    @MSG This is aboot her dream, not yours.


    One day he will save your life, but not wholely. You will still have problems.
  11. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    I had a dream the alarm clock din't set off and I got late to school and missed the exam.
  12. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    You love him though you are too afraid to admit it. You don't want to lose him as a friend.
  13. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    It means you should hook me up with whatever you've been smoking.

    For a more realistic answer, I wouldn't think of it as anything other than a strange dream that you happened to remember.

    Most of my dreams are weird as shit too on the very rare occasions I remember them.
  14. SlicedandDiced

    SlicedandDiced Well-Known Member

    why don't you look at Lucid Dreaming Studies (its About controling your Dreams)?
    Instead of trying to find meaning in it, just have fun with it.
  15. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna get Jungian on your collective asses when I get home. Be ready.
  16. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    This, you should totally just go turn up to his door butt naked. Whats the worst that can happen.
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

  18. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Yay, I needed more Jung in my life.
  19. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Firstly, some explanation. The mind is an incredible thing - it creates shortcuts everywhere by associating something with something else. Many things will share many meanings. You can see this effect in dreams, in language, in politics or anywhere else you can think to look. Therefore, dream analysis is the process of deconstructing seemingly random visions into their common themes and ideas. As a results, dream analysis will often consist of the same vague conclusion being made in multiple ways.

    The house represents family. Ownership refers to your dreams and ambitions. On the surface, they look beautiful, but you harbour some doubts and fears underneath the surface. Do you really wish to own the house, or do you just want to present that facade to the world? I conclude that you are ambivalent about forming a family in the future - you believe it's a beautiful and wholesome thing, but you fear you might make mistakes and raise monstrous children.

    Joey, being your friend, symbolises familiarity and comfort. The romantic aspect also suggests you subconsciously see him as the ideal husband figure in your potential family. So, Joey comes along and fights away your fears. With him by your side, the prospect of creating a family isn't so daunting.

    However, this introduces new fears and doubts, symbolised by the girl. She was standing behind him - as one's back is unprotected, this can either mean that he trusts her that much or she bears him malicious intent. The former arouses your jealousy, while the latter invokes your protective instinct. Either way, you're mad at the idea that someone could take him away from you. In addition, you might suspect that Joey (or perhaps some other male figure in your life) is hiding something from you.

    Okay, here's where things get weird. There's definitely some significance to the cat outfit, but I can't assess that very well. I can guess that the outfit is a form of changing clothes, a dream symbol often associated with changing oneself. At Joey's behest, you're willing to change some aspect of yourself - this matches with your earlier claim that you'd date him if he asked. Broadly speaking, you may simply wish to try new things to make your boring life more interesting.

    Cloud-watching is an important development. Historically, the shapes of clouds have been seen as omens from the gods, or otherwise portentous. Fiction also often presents this activity in a romantic context, wherein characters intimately reflect upon their lives and futures with each other. And yet, the girl is still present - your mind has inserted her into this scene because you fear her place in Joey's life.

    Because clouds are spiritual imagery, the girl may be the embodiment of God in your dream. God can represent fate, coincidence, or forces otherwise outside of our control. You fear your own powerlessness in the face of extenuating circumstances that could take Joey away from you.

    In conclusion, you fear the unknown and you're anxious about the future. It's impossible to predict what will happen, so try not to worry about it. Cross that bridge when you get to it. My advice is to think about what you hold dear and what you want to accomplish, and base your decisions around it.

    Mate, you might have the power of precognition. Might wanna get that checked out at a loony bin.
  20. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    AFAIK, you dream about what you want or what you think about the most. It is a weird thing, dreams. I read some things that dreaming about A means A but it is like a horoscope, too general.