Come here for WiFi Matches on the new COD MWM for DS. my FC is 352421-179404. Post your Friend Code if you want a match. Good luck and have fun! no disconnecting or cheating!
I'd love to join, but my router is currently on WPA2. Once I figure this out and take it down to WEP, we'll be fraggin' soon.
Heres my friend code(FC)- 129082-917298. Name-Titch I hope more players will join in Post Merge: [time]1261067627[/time] Cloudboii12 your freind code also is invalid.
oh ok Post Merge: [time]1261155863[/time] ive addedd u cloudboi11 Post Merge: [time]1261155892[/time] sorry cloud wrong button
FC: 352431-394361 Name: Justinne Your friend code is also invalid, Mario FANATIC. I have added you CloudBoii12 by the way.