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Call of Duty cod lag

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by cyberbri, May 20, 2010.

  1. cyberbri

    cyberbri Member

    Using R4 SDHC with 4g chip. Is this normal for this game to lag so much? Is there any way to fix it. Since I do not own the original personally, I am not sure if it lags on that one. This is a very cool game but hate the lag when it happens. Anyone know a way to fix?

  2. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Which one is it? CoD 4, CoD WaW, or MW Mobilized?
  3. benkuro

    benkuro New Member

    I think it's normal because the game is big for a DS to handle. because it has alot of open areas and a bunch of enemies at the same time
    i cant remember if it was a non-r4i review or r4i review
    but they said "Dementium 2 didnt lag at all like COD"