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buying a good flash cart

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by starthiefsin, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. starthiefsin

    starthiefsin Member

    hi every one well it's as been a long time since i was thinking of buying a flash cart for my ds lite, but after reading many post about some of them like if they were fake or not I'm not completly sure what to buy now . Just to specify i live in canada and i have found a site that offer some of them and got a free shipping so i was thinking what was the best flash cart they offer( btw i want one that is compatible with a 4gb and more sd card) and if it will let me play gba game on it or if i have to buy the EZFlash 3-in-1 Expansion Pack for NDS Lite in order to play gba games

    so thanks for the help and there's the site http://www.veebuy.com/index.php?page=shop.browse&category_id=33&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=27

    thank you for the support
  2. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    Here buy stuff here, it's not fake: shoptemp.com http://shoptemp.com/
  3. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    okay, i wouldn't recommend that site, i haven't heard of them...but if you wanna play GBA games, W/O the expansion pack, you want a supercard DS 2


    go here : http://www.ishopvideogame.com/acekard-2i-p-1509.html

    they don't sell fakes, if there supplier does, they will start an investigation, ii kn ow, it;s the only place i'll buy a flashcard. ::)
  4. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    gbatemp.net made it. So trust them. Seph does -_-
  5. starthiefsin

    starthiefsin Member

    will i play more because of the curency rate and all?

    edit: i read your post so if many trust them ill give it a try
  6. 6Toushiro9

    6Toushiro9 Well-Known Member

    Hello Seph know them.
  7. starthiefsin

    starthiefsin Member

    thanks for the site so the best that i could get is the acekard 2i ? even if i have a ds lite and ill be able to get support for newer games and bugs and fixes (sorry if i sound like i noob i just wanna know what i'm getting into)
  8. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    based on your wants, if you don't really care about GBA playing W/O expansion, get an AK2i, and BTW, i've never heard of your site "starthiefsin", i've heard good things about shoptemp.....
  9. starthiefsin

    starthiefsin Member

    well ok for the site but playing a ak2i on a ds lite ?should i just get the ak 2? it's cheaper or i'm just wrong?
  10. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    i've heard AK2 doesn't work as well, it is perfectly compatible with all DS systems (AK2i) i use the AK2i myself on a DSL, and the site i gave you
    1. never sells fakes,
    2. has free shipping

    and anyways, AK2 and AK2i are about the same price.....
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    First: Get an Acekard2i
    Second: Get an EZ Flash 3in1

    I would recommend a CycloDS over the Acekard2i for the DSlite, but unless you have the extra cash, it would be in your best interest to go with the Acekard2i.
  12. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    CycloDS is to damn expensive....
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    It has the best features and compatibility, but is stupidly expensive. It's still more expensive than the Supercard DSTwo.
  14. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    and that, my friend, is so so sad....
  15. assana2207

    assana2207 New Member

    yeah.. buy supercard DSTwo... I bought one in Akihabara..because I live in Japan and they dont have CycloDS for sale here in Japan
  16. starthiefsin

    starthiefsin Member

    i think i have made my mind ill go with the ak2i and the ez flash 3 in 1 so ill be able to play ds games gba game rumble and have support with the price of kinda like curent ds games thank you guys for the help i have made my mind thank you and ill use the shoptemp site to odder they really have cheap price and it is trushted thakns again ;)