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Button Disappeared From Pokemon SS Menu

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by ploiwu, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. ploiwu

    ploiwu New Member

    Help! I activated a cheat to obtain infinite 2nd Gen starters and the Pokemon Button from the menu disappeared. Now, I can't use Hm moves such as fly. Before you flame me for using cheats, know that I only play pokemon to pass time.

    Any advice is appreciated.
  2. Ishimaru

    Ishimaru Member

    Apparently the "flag" for "obtaining first pokémon" was unchecked,
    -deactivate codes and get the starter again?
    -find the appropiate code? something like "advance in the game without pokémon"; it might check the flag
    -if you have the chance to pokesav it, it is likely that your party consist of "0" pokémon (zero), and as such the game thinks you still haven't received your starter; change that to the appropiate number
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    udoubtably a side effect of the cheat. Using cheats always carries a risk of unexpected side effects.
  4. ploiwu

    ploiwu New Member

    Thanks for all your replies.

    As mentioned by Ishimaru, the "flag" for "obtaining first pokémon" was unchecked. The pokemon button appeared once I collect a starter from the professor.