I have got a broken ds lite. The pins in the game slot 1 are out of place, is there anyway to fix it. Could you tell me what to do to fix it and a good website where to buy a replacement slot 1
blake you are very lazy. I simply typed it in on google and it came up with lots of links. Heres some: http://www.ozmodchips.com/dsds-lite-slot-1-replacement-p-254.html and look blake heres a cheap one: http://www.techsick.com/shop/Slot-1-Card-Socket-DS-and-DS-lite-Game-Card-Slot-Replacement-p-161313.html just requires some good old "DIY"
Deal Extreme: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.26807 http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.21906 Under $3 each with free shipping. You're going to need to know how to solder though and have the tools required on hand.