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Brawl in General

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Bob_Kill123, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    well i had a previous thread call "whats your best brawl charecter" and it had its run but is dieing now
    i also reallized that my subject was too narrow
    so im starting this thread so feel free to post anything about brawl that you want
    i personally love the game
    please post your friend codes i love a new challenge and i cant brawl you if you dont post a code mine is 0087-2168-9190

    i use olimar and falco
    sometimes ike ness or lucus

    well post away
  2. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    i think your previous thread was used for just that anyways (people aren't too picky like That) ;)

    tip - just rename and edit thread by clicking modify
  3. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member


  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'm not overly impressed with brawl at all. it doesn't feel to nice playing a game like this on the wiimote
  5. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i hate the wii version, the gamecube version ruled though
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    yeah i liked it on the game cube witch is why i was a bit disappointed
  7. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    You can play it with a Gamecube Controller. Then, It's awesome!
  8. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    well you saying that you like mele more than brawl is very much flame seeding and im very tempted but allass it is against the rules here are some arguments for you though
    1. many charecters where over poweered in mele (like link and mewtwo) others were just piontless (like young link and pichu and dr. mario and even falco was very close to fox) making the game fun but frustrating if you were against someone using a cheap charecter
    2. mel was not as fast paced as brawl is
    3. you do not have to use the wii remote on brawl you can use the gamecube controller if you prefer
    4. the wii remote is actually very confortable if your not already used to the gamecube controller
    5. brawl is an impressive game whether you like it or not by all accounts it is deffinatly worth the 50$
  9. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i can't play with the Gamecube controller anymore ;D

    i think in Brawl they reused things too many times, like the Triforce, PK Storm, Super Sonic/Volt Tackle, and Land Master finals. i think they could have at least tried to make them more varied

    and they should have put Ridley as a playable character like they were originally intending to (i forget where i read that, but it was at a lot of places)

    there are still pointless characters in Brawl. Jigglypuff anyone? :p

    just a thought, but did anyone find most of the new Brawl maps not as enjoyable as the Melee ones? it's a good thing they decided to keep the legendary Hyrule Temple map (as my friend calls it)
  10. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    I believe that the reason why many people preferred melee over brawl is because melee was largely unbalanced and had a couple of cheap glitches (wave dash?).

    Brawl on the other hand is balanced and fair. That's why I prefer it more than I prefer melee. I always hate it when my friends use wave dash against me. It's very unfair.

    Sure, call me a noob for hating wave dash but I just think it's just a glitch that people use to beat other people because they can't play the game properly.

    Just my thoughts.
  11. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    brawl has no pointless charecters even capton falcon who is the lowest in the teers is good if you know how to use him
    jiggly puff does not suck but my arguments always seem to fall upon deff ears anyway so ill just leave it at that
    some of the brawl maps are really anoing to play on but they are just trying to fit everyones playing preferances like im not a big fan of hyrule temple but i dont mind DK falls it depends on the person playing and who they play as
    yes they did reuse some finals but they do have differences even if they are only slight
    plus saying you prefer mele because brawl reuses move (and im not sure if that is what you were trying to say) is pretty hypocritical i mean look at all the mele charecters that are almost exact copies of others but none will ever be as bad in my mind as ganondorf; there is so much they could have done with him but instead they make him a slower even more rediculusly powerful version of capton falcon

    i have a question for the people who prefer mele over brawl; which of the two games do you own and how much of the other do you play because it is easier to spam a cheap charecter in mele then get good with a lagitament charecter from brawl
  12. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    actually i don't own Melee. never had a Gamecube
    i simply felt that more effort could have been made to make them less similar. but the balancing problem is definitely true once you branch out some more
    and i do agree with Ganondorf ::) although since i haven't played a lot of Zelda i don't know what he is capable of
  13. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    don't own melee ether and i played it ages ago and liked it, that's the only reason i was disappointed because i didn't like brawl
    can't even put my finger on why i just don't, i just don't think its a good game, it could also be to do with that it is over hyped and i was expecting a really good game but it isn't so i got let down.
  14. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    melee was good at the time but it wasn't well balanced and created unfair advantages for some characters. melee was missing something just like brawl is.
    i have no idea what it is but i know the both are missing something.
    i am a huge fan of the smash bro series i have been playing them since it first came out and haven't stopped.

    brawl is my fav because it is balanced witch i prefer because you can be t3h L33T with some one but they all have weaknesses and can be beaten with ease if you don't change your fighting style to match theirs.

    The only two things i didn't like about brawl are the changes to THE PUFFFFFFFF it was one of my fav characters to play as because its one hit ko was stronger and most people found it hard to use ;D and the fact that they didn't bring all of the old stages back. my fav stages were the poke stage on the 64 and the classic hyrule.

    ohh and my fav characters are wolf, zelda/sheik and lucario.
  15. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I agree brawl in my opinion was best

    i think the new features at least add some fun to the game,

    my annoyance though, three too similar characters (couldn't they of got their own unique move set)
  16. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    I don't mind the similar characters cause they all have lots of little differences and they all add up when you play as them.
    G man should have been given a new move set this time around. Even with all the new differences he has.
  17. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    yeah, even his final smash sucks

    but i even manage to batter my opponents using him ;D

    i think he should have looked like he did in wind waker, with a move set to match

  18. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    Breaking away from regular convo...

    I love the original Smash for N64, I play it everyday in the lounge with my buddies. We have our own character (I am Fox) and we just duke it out with a 7 stock. Final Smash makes Brawl a little too easy, some character's smash moves are just hax and others are just plain dumb. So I guess I'm saying I love original Smash - just wished it had more characters.
  19. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    why not use a gamecube pad
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    don't have one