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Brains-do we actually need them at all?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by mds64, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Think about it-other than basic functions such as breathing, screaming, etc but do we need, or rather, USE them?
    Sure, we all think we are intelligent, but do we really use them as we should?

    set of stairs is caused by the brain-I say-DO WITHOUT!

    No regret in bad acts, no reason to give up-no hope of being called a "nerd", and certainly, you would have a better excuse at failing a test, no longer "I'm dumb" applies-YOU HAVE NO BRAIN BECAUSE IT CAUSED YOU SUFFERING!
    Take a look at this poor chap...

    Sure, he wants a jill sandwich, but really, it's clear he won't finish such a thing, so he'll take/eat the brain!

    I say donate yours to these poor soul(less)'s and give them a beter tommoro!

    These poor chaps from birth never really had a proper one-they are more deserving than us who had them for years and yet never really use them!
    Look at me-perfect example-seen my post in spam-little brain power used.

    Besides-I might grow a new one if I actually need one!

    So to you people out there that are too "brainy" to be called "cool"-donate them to ethier these poor soul(less)'s or give them to your little brother so he'd understand what your doing online without telling him all the time!
    And join the cool gang-the one's who run amok and have fun all because they don't regret a thing-or better yet-THINK AT ALL!

    So, will you give your brain to this disadvantaged-or waste it's juicyness by sitting in your head by looking at the "Sexiest girl in Video games" thread!

    Only you can decide!

    Why here you go

    [me=mds64]hands over brain[/me]

    noi i fel haper aldedy!
  2. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Brains control the Central Control Center, Nerve Control Center, Synapse Relaying to Muscle, and store's information for Basic Motor skills..

    Besides, I think that from a stereotypical standpoint. "Cool" "Nerd" and "brainy" are just words to label people based on a sub-consciously estimated IQ.

    Anybody who uses such phrases may find my boot connecting with their grundies.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Err what? Should I move this to jokes and random or are you being serious about this?
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Might as well move I guess-sorry to bring you down here sir :(

    It is interesting if you think about it...
  5. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Don't apologise, I thought you was being serious. If you you think the thread should be moved then move it. It has most delectable content for my untrained brain. Why does my Intrinsic Self value re-arise?
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My defective brain has a habit of making seemingly funny thoughts into realistic sounding topics.

    The reason why I made it.

    ...I think I grew a new one!
  7. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't consider your brain to be deffective ;)

    Just a slightly different thoughts to be processed :)
  8. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Was this based off the toes topic nex posted?
  9. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I believe so. I don't think however that I will be posting in it though.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Since the autonomous nervous system (ANS) that controls heartbeat and breathing is part of the brain, you're not going anywhere without a brain.
  11. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I hooked my heart and my lungs up to an automatic machine that is on a timer continually working them both, WAT IS BRANE
  12. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    "It is believed that up to 25% of people don't have brains..."
  13. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    i need it to post here
  14. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    tooth dont has brains. It has plague instead.
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Count me in that number-who else would make such a thread XD

    You must be a zombie

    [me=mds64]hands tooth brain[/me]

    It's fat-no need to worry about it.
  16. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    are you always logged in?
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Except for 12 hours-5 for work and 7 for sleep.

    I have no life-or a brain.
  18. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    just as i thought you have no life
    well for me i didnt go to school for today i wasnt feeling the urge to go to school and its raining
  19. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    i have one.

    but it wasnt as nice as romu.

  20. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    who wants to go to school?