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Boy and Girl "Friends"????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by t@n!, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    can a boy and a girl always remain friends?? or does this friendship last till childhood?? need your opinion guys
  2. daedalus02

    daedalus02 Member

    Unfortunately, as soon as the boy and girl become man and woman this "friendship" you speak of somehow disappears and the two people become very distant. Don't even expect a call from this "friend" on birthdays.

    This is one of the many sad facts of life.....
  3. Avalon78

    Avalon78 New Member

    I've known my best friend about 14 years now. I'm a girl and he's a guy. We are childhood friends. And sure we've had our struggles with love, for both eachother and others. But I think the main rule is never have sex with your friend. Sex complicates everything and will often ruin the friendship. I don't mean the the above goes for everyone, but it happens quite a lot. In the past 14 years we have decided to just remain friends, and relied on eachother for not making the mistake ha-ha. God knows I've tried, at one point I must admit I was madly in love with him. But we would have separated as well, so we are lucky to have never tried and still remain friends till this day :)
  4. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    this is what i'm talking about until childhood attraction to opposite sex never arises so hence friendship maintains till childhood
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Had a female friend since I was born and until this day. Never had an issue... it's only really an issue if you make it one.
  6. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Well, seeing I've no friends, I can't speak from experience. But I will say I agree with the 2nd, 3rd and above post.
  7. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    All hailed the mighty admin, the admin has replied to my topic (honored)
    back to topic had a friend once, i got distanced away from her though i didn't want to. We always shared everything back in the old days like when i bought an ice cream we split in half and stuff but as now she doesnt even talk to me until necessary.
    So i feel that it lasts until childhood
  8. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Platonic relationships are real -- I have a few.
  9. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's possible. Especially when both of them are queens.

    lol wut
    Don't tell me... You've NEVER had a crush on anyone before you hit puberty. NEVER. Are you fucking kidding me? What sort of childhood is that?!
  10. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    well i cant really help it can i?
  11. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    mmm... if you want a woman "friend" to last long as your friend get a girl-friend (girlfriend) and marry her

    I'm being serious -_-
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I have girls who are just friends.

    No big deal.

    Just like any other person I talk to or hang out with. :p
  13. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    yeah until you grown up and they forgot you was his friend ... -_-
  14. corprlfish

    corprlfish Well-Known Member

    There is one answer to this:

    Shit hapens and it hapens for a reason, fate has it's ways.
  15. t@n!

    t@n! Well-Known Member

    yeah yeah you are right
  16. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    I have way more male friends than female friends, and like them way more than my female friends. I don't know is it because I'm bi, and I usually see females as an hot piece of ass, but I really like to spend my time with males more than females.
    I have couple female friends, that are like sisters to me, and couple dear male friends that are like brothers to, and I've never had any sexual feelings for them. Playish flirting and dirty jokes are of course sometimes avoidable, 'cause our we all have very dirty mind, but it never means anything, 'cause it's just joke and having fun with friends.
    And many of those male friends, I've been knowing them about 15 years now. =P