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Bon Apetite!! The taste of things to come!! BLEH!! :P

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    What's the most disgusting food (dish) you've eaten in your entire life? It could be something native to your location or something foreign & exotically nauseating.

    Here in this topic I hope you share your most dissatisfying food encounters EVER.

    For those of you familiar with the Philippines "RICH" Cultural heritage, the two disgusting food Foreigners commonly associated the Philippines with are "Balut", hard boiled aborted duck embryo, which actually is tasty (no kidding), once you get passed the initial shock of seeing a litle duck embryo inside a seemingly harmless looking egg. The other food is, "Durian" an extremely foul odoring spiky fruit, which they say IS actually THE best fruit of all, hence some even call it "Queen of all fruits", I haven't confirmed it yet though 'cause the fruit really reeks, but I tried a candied version of it, ofcourse there were no odors on it & it kinda tastes half way between sweet, to tart to bitter.

    These two howewver do no necessarily come only from our country, Vietnam also have their own Balut but I don't know what they call it & Malaysia & Indonesia have Durian.

    But these aren't the only gut wrenching food we have to offer, ohhh no! We have more to offer!

    1.) Day Old Chick - a variation of Balut, a duck or Chicken embryo is allowed to hatch then right after hatching it gets "undressed" then gets cook directly, no point removing innards, they get cooked along with the poor fellow.

    2.) Abnoy: Mis-carried duck/chicken egg - as the name suggests it's a fertilized egg that failed to form an embryo. The thing's actually VERY VERY "ripe & stinky" & originally duck/chicken breeders discard these since you can't sell 'em on market, but some genius idiot or Savant discovered that if you boil 'em & fry 'em coated in a flour mixture they taste dandy - BLAARGHH!! I haven't taste tested these 'cause they REALLY REALLY stink even after being cooked!!

    3.) Helmet: Chicken Heads - you know the part of a chicken you cut off at the neck? Yes that head is undress then fried beak & eyes included, tasty actually IT IS chicken afterall, just the part you don't usually eat.

    4.) Adidas: Chicken Feet (see the Euphamism, Adidas > shoe > feet?) - same as above but you get to eat what's connected to a "drumstick" toes, skin & claws included

    5.) Isaw / I U D: Chicken entrails, barbecued - these taste good & are absolutely 100% washed before they get cooked so their safe, ofcourse if you're squeemish & can't get tapeworms, pin worms & ugh!! You get the picture.

    6.) Azucena - this dish gets its name from the first three letters of its name AZU or Aso Filipino for Dog. Yes you read correctly, I said Dog, man's best friend!! Any dish cooked with Dog meat is called Azucena. This will probably upset many of you & may even make you feel outraged but think about it, other cultures also eat things "normally" not eaten like the Alaskans who eat seal, penguin, & walrus meat or the Chinese who eat bear paws, deer antlers (for medicinal purposes) & seahorses. Eating dog is just part of our country's bizzare customs that's all, but a group of tree hugging hippies (Quoting Eric Cartman) known as PAWS (Philippine Animal Welfare Society) seeks to outlaw dog eating passing a bill making eating, cooking or even selling dogs illegal. It's funny really because of the law pet shops had to stop selling dogs for awhile since the law statews selling dogs are illegal, & what's even funnier is that the founder of PAWS ie chinese, a people who eat even the darndest things (I hope I didn't offend anyone with that remark).

    7.) Siopao Pusa - This food is actually an urban myth that has attained "legend" status. Siopao are those Chinese steam cooked dumplings with meat in 'em & Pusa is get ready for this.... CAT!!! Cat filled dumpling or simply Siopao Pusa isn't actually a food, it's actually based on a wives tale that goes like this: Back in the 70's when the country was under the dictator president Ferdinand Marcos, street vendors, especially Siopao vendors would make Siopao Pusa & give them to way ward children who don't obey their parents. Another version tells that these "treats" were given to Marcos's Military Police (who were called "Capcom", really no joking!), to show their loyalty to the dictatorship regime, ofcourse they don't tell the fools that their "treat" has cat in it ,hence the act of loyalty isw infact a silent act of anger & hatred. As for the validity of said tales, I have absoluely no idea but there are actually some people in the farthest deepest islands of our country's 7,107 islands who do eat cat meat.

    8.) Soup number six - By the sound of it you'd think its an aphrodisiac, which some consider it to be. Soup #6 is Congee or rice gruel with... Drum roll please...... Ox Testicles, yummy ain't it?

    9.) Ox Brain Rice Gruel - hmm same as above, less gross I think

    10.) Ox eyes Rice Gruel - Bleh!! Ox eyeballs in Rice Gruel. Hey Remember the chef in Chrono trigger who said Queen Leene asked for some "eyes cream", maybe this was what was in his mend.

    11.) Rice Paddy Frogs & Cicadas - in the province of Pampanga (which btw is from where my family originally came from before we left for the big city capital) there is a delicay called Adobong Tugak, Adobo, you're probably aware of it if not google search it or wikipedia search it, is a style of cooking, while Tugak is Frog, so Frog Adobo, it's actually good, tastes like chicken, honest. Also in that province is Adobong Camarro or cicada (I'm not sure it Camarro is a native Filipino word though, it could have been brought by the Spanish maybe).

    12.) Bark boring Insect Larvae - I'm not sure what they're locally called I just found this out when a documentary about it was aired last October. Apparently, there's an insect that leaves its larvae on tall healthy looking coconut trees that feed on the tree's flesh its these yucky things some people covet as being a really tasty treat Bleh!!

    13.) Goto: Pork or Beef intestine Rice Gruel - Think of Isaw / I U D then think of Rice Gruel, what do you get, Goto!!!

    But these pale in comparison to what I feel IS the grossest thing we eat & it's not even a "special" dish, it's something every household eat on a regular basis, a dish we call "Dinuguan" which literally translates to.... 'Blood stew", ol' Dracula'll probably love this. It's cooked by Mixing together Pig's blood with "gata" or coconut milk that is constantly stirred til the whole lot becomes sticky almost caramel-like in consistency, you then add pre-fried pork or chicken & if you like gizards as well. Most Filipinos love this but for some reason I don't so if vou know any real-life vampires tell 'em to go to the Philippines & eat this crap! lol Oh I almost forgot we have another "bloody treat", Caramelized pig, ox, chicken & various fish's blood forming a litle rectangle street food we call "Betamax" 'cause it kinda looks like a tiny betamax video cassette...eeeww!!
    :p :p
  2. eden2812

    eden2812 Well-Known Member

    I've eaten pig brains in noodles before. I thought it was scrambled eggs or something until I was told what it was. Then I stopped. Let's leave it at that.

    Oh, and Cahos Rahne Veloza, where I'm from, they call the durian the king of fruits. I like it, and I don't see how its synonymous with gym socks and all that. But hey, one man's meat is another man's poison right?

    Oh and there's a pretty good porridge (or congee if you must) which main ingredient is fried pigs intestines. Really good. Its like potato chips mind you. And the culinary joke is, that if you don't wash the intestines properly, your dish will smell (definitely) of ****.

    And there's also blood porridge. You can see the big gelatinous cubes of steamed blood in the porridge. Of course, even I wouldn't dream of trying it :/

    Now just quick a shout-out to other weird food over here like a fish's gas bladder (fish maw), geoduck, sea cucumbers and whatnot.
  3. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    i swallowed a fly once (i was tearing downhill on my bike at the time)

    i lost a dare to eat a worm, which wasn't all that bad

    i haven't eaten haggis, so i'd like to hear from any poor sod who has
  4. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I tasted an ant.. while eating my food.. :p
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Hehe & thought my culture was weird, hope you guys didn't hate the fact that my entry post was way way way to long :)

    Was it the sour kind, that happened to me once too & the little bugger tasted sour :p
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    eating dog may sound disgusting, but it is pretty common, especially in asia. The chinese also eat tiger hearts and other weird things; I was once invited to the opening of a chinese zoo, they said there would be a buffet for those attending, and went on to list some of the things that would be in the buffet. Suffice to say, just about every animal in the zoo was also on the menu. I forwarded the invitation to a wildlife charity I'm a member of, as a fair proportion of the proposed 'delicacies' were on the 'critically endangered' CITIES list, and they managed to generate sufficient outcry to prevent the zoo opening.

    One unpleasant sounding meal I've actually eaten a few times is 'biltong', I'll leave you to guess what that is :p (It's delicious :) )
  7. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    Mine is probably a fried cicada. I grew twice its size while in the pot. It wasn't that gross though, because it tasted like chicken (we were frying a turkey before in the same pot though).
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    wow man some pretty odd things. not that many gross things in the uk but saying that you mentioned that that pigs blood dish you think is gross, here we eat something called black pudding which is pigs blood and fat with some herbs and spices cooked and made in to a sauage. its then normally fried and eaten with a cooked breakfast. and it is yummy.

    i don't know how many countries have this but marmite is yummy but lots of people think its desgusting, it is yeast extract and its best on buttered toast. you don't just like it you ether love it or hate it, even the advert for it shows people disliking it.
  9. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    My parents call me an extremely picky eater. I don't eat things that taste one inch off my tastiness limit. I think one of the bad things that I have eaten was raw tuna. That's it. I never really eaten anything disgusting.
  10. eden2812

    eden2812 Well-Known Member

    Not really gross, but have any of you tried bone marrow?

    They basically serve a huge chunk of bone on your plate, and they give you a spoon and probably a straw to suck it out.
  11. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Well in our country we have smelly tofu.... Really gross.. the dry one smell like trash after a few month. the wet one smell like dog shit. i never really dare to eat but i did smell the thing.GROSS
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    We have a dish called "Bulalo" which is stewed ox bones this thing a little funny to eat, you get a piece of bone (with your hands) then you shake the marrow out vigorously (like what you do with catsup), sometimes people actually bang the bone on the table just to get it out :D
  13. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

  14. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    I have a similar one. It's like a spicy meat curry, Bengali style. And with the chunks of meat there are also peaces of bone. Some of the peices are put in because they have bone marrow on the middle.

    The bone marrow actually tastes really good. :D

    (woops, it's not a food that i dislike!)
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    There's a place here, Boracay, the black market there sells dolphin meat it's illegal ofcourse. And on that same place is a mushroom that grows on cow pies that people eat as a halucinogen, it came from cow dung so naturally it will make you high!! lol ;D
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yeah, just remembered I had it in Barbados years ago.
  17. rounds25

    rounds25 Well-Known Member

    I've had it once and yeah its illegal. Shark meat is actually pretty good too.
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Shark meat is considered medicinal here in asia :)
  19. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I throw up a little [okay, not really] at the sight of salad.
  20. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    A list of stuff I ate which I dont consider disgusting but maybe you do.
    1)Turtle meat claypot style
    2)Alligator's tail
    3)Pork liver,kidney,tongue,basically internal organs
    4)Python meat in soup
    5)Squirrel meat in soup

    That's all I can remember.