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Blind boy bullied, almost withdrawn from school (edited-more recent story)

Discussion in 'General News' started by mds64, Dec 1, 2009.

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  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    This sickens me, while it makes me curious why he wasn't sent to a special school , from the area he is in there ain't too many schools for the poor kid that could offer better support...

    Wether or not it would stop the bulling or not is a different matter from my experience, so what do you think of this?



    This is what i read-this is a more recent update of the story, sorry I took so long :(

    Turns out he went back to the school, after this newspaper did a story the school flip flopped and made the bully switch classes.

    This kid was involved in another story, something about disability support pension, earlier this year, I'll look for that one
  2. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Re: Blind boy removed from school after bully attacks

    What the hell....?
    It should be the bullies that be removed from school instead....permanently.
  3. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Re: Blind boy removed from school after bully attacks

    I agree with both of you
    this sickens me as well
    even bullies in general
    how could they pick on a blind kid
  4. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Re: Blind boy removed from school after bully attacks

    I hate it when the wrongdoers get no punishment...
    Like here...
    Snatchtheft victim fight back will get charged with murder....
  5. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Re: Blind boy removed from school after bully attacks

    Yeah i know
    like some schools do absolutely nothing
    some schools just say u shouldn't do that but that doesn't stop them and they continue
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Blind boy removed from school after bully attacks


    This is actually what I read in the paper.

    The above is an older story-in this one he was allowed to stay...I think.

    I only skimmed thru it on my lunch break, and on tv they focussed on the affects of the bully.

    Once my net improves I'll read this properly.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I was bullied in school quite a bit, and my parents wanted to send me to a special school when I turned 11. However, the county education authority refused to pay the fees. Their policy (and government policy, certainly now if not then) was to put the special needs children in ordinary schools to save money, and close down the special schools. They did not consider that special needs kids had potential or the right to an education that allowed them to fulfil their potential. I was sent to a local comprehensive (thats a standard state school for those outside the UK) where I was constantly being taken out of lessons for 'extra help' whether I needed it or not. The support unit head was a right bitch and put me in an 'english support class', which was basically for people who had poor English skills due to their disability. As I aquired my English skills before becoming deaf, I had no need of this extra class; indeed my English was as good as hers. However, her attitude was 'you're deaf therefore you need these classes'; so I was bored out of my mind doing reading and writing exercises that I'd done when I was 5. I still think all this extra help I got cost more than the special school fees when added up. Anyhow, I was lucky. After 6 weeks in this school, a rich businessman heard about me, and called the special school to say that if they took me on he would pay my fees. His motive was that one of his own sons was deaf and attended the special school in question, and he knew what a difference it made.

    So I transferred schools, and while the bullying didn't stop (yeah, bullying in a special school where we were all supposed to be in the same boat). I did find my life a lot easier, and I did quite well since I got into university and got an honours degree. Mum had great fun telling the people from the authority that, as they had told my parents not to expect much from me.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    loonylion-I can understand special school bullying...how it works.

    It sucks-my heart to your past pain/annoyance depending on your current outlook.

    In my old school (also a special school) I was one of the few who seemed normal, if not for my poor confidence (I lacked faith-I was offered to go to a normal school but turned it down many times) I had it rough...even with so called friends who claimed they got it worse than me, and yet they repeated the sin's of what happened to them.

    Some semi normal kids are pains, I seen it before and tried to take action...unfortunatly I became a taddle tale as I lacked proof...and ran to teachers all the time-thus many of the newer one's heard some of the kids tell them this fact and thus I became ignored.

    Thanks to this I developed an anger problem, my fault but who knows when one felt ignored :(

    (Prehaps this explains why I post so much here...to be heard).

    Back to the topic at hand, my family got into an arguement about this-farther's argument was "why not a special school in the first place and WHY the attention"?

    I know the area a little, no majour special schools about, and he might have been in a type of transition program where he start in prep/kindergarden as I had, he had little choice-the only schools I knew off where a dedicated one near the city for the deaf and a few scattered a fair distance-the eastern suburbs, this is in the west...

    A few I knew (well really one) from western suburbs who had to take a train from their suburbs because the bus service from my school (near the city-so a central area) wouldn't go this far...it would have to pick him up before 6am because of the freeway traffic.

    And currently I'm trying to find a previous story about him getting left out of a disability support pension, he didn't meet criteria despite blind in one eye (at the time...I think) and prehaps ages-his mother took a fight to get him this pension.

    If he got to 15 he would have got it easy-sadly some of my uncles had this pension despite only temporary injuries (it was easy back then, no background checks, all you needed was a doctor's certificate).

    Until I find it...I hope this kids grows strong and not scared :(
  9. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    In order to send my son "to the right school",someone wants £60,000 a year-and the local authority wont pay.Disabled people in the UK are treated worse than criminals and junkies.
    Them people from EEC shit-holes dont realise how lucky they are getting all that aid.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My old school before administration changed only asked $50 a term-I paid this myself.

    But on my last year it bumped up-$500 all up if I remember.

    My school was sponsored if you haven't guessed-and many of the gear including the busses were donated.
  11. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    The problem here is that their is no school appropriate here,probably the same for the blind lad.The school makes on that he has a good day-but thats crap.He will have to go to a private place called Rudolph Steiners-and they charge £60,000 a year.They are renowned as being one of the top places in the world for treating such cases.
    Im sure that each disabled person has a trained person that never leaves their sides.Anyway,the Government like it that much,they are in the process of running a Bypass next to it.
  12. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    what a fag. That bully is so mean. Whoa, come to think of it, I cannot believe he had no eyes... ack.
    Eh, What kind of school is that? I can't believe they teach words like "retard", I mean FTW? I was about in 4th grade when I heard that word! Aw... School Rules always being broken these days. It's ridiculous.
    Post Merge: [time]1259673886[/time]
    agreed! Though im in china now, the currency is RMB
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    £60,000 a year... and my authority thought £26,100 a year was expensive.
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I will say however expelling this "bully" is a bit too harsh...

    Did anyone read the second article?

    The bully just needs to be educated a bit more on right or wrong-but the poor kid is left scared...a ruler for heaven's sake is painful as it is-LET ALONE JABBING AT A SCAR ON THE KID!
  15. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    They want me to pay it-thats a vast chunk of my earnings.Legal action will be starting soon-as Im sick of cash getting wasted on a lotta crap.
    Look at all the cash from oil in Aberdeen-and the council are £50 million in debt.Your authority were probably a lot smarter with their cash....
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Well they refurbished their offices every year.
  17. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Loony,its worse than that.They are "doing up" the Marischal College,to move in there.The buiding is just a shell,and its held together by meccano stuff.A complete waste of cash.But maybe the councillors own the building company thats doing the work...Hmmmmm
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    "Hey blind kid, do you want a lollypop?"
    "Oh.. erm.. sure.."
    "Open wide."
    "Hey, this isn't a lollypop!"

    I imagine that's how the bullying went.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You didn't read the article.

    He was beaten with a rules, punched, and was verbally abused.

    By a kid his age-who I doubt would have this kinda sick mind you have.

    Sick as in making fun of this story.
  20. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    verbally abused--- Suspension: 1 week.
    Violence---10-20 days.
    This guy shouldn't face expulsion, he should just go on holiday like Miles Edgeworth! XD
    (All I mean was, let him go on a self discovery trip for his long term suspension)
    Post Merge: [time]1259750770[/time]
    murder and violence for no reason/crazy reason is a serious offense, let alone the accused person himself.
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