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Blank Screen problem R4 3DS Revolution for DS

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by klaffen, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. klaffen

    klaffen New Member

    As title say i have problems to get this card working. All the text on the card is: R4 RTS V6.1 3DS Revolution for DS (3DS XL)(more DS versions....)
    www (dot) r4ids (dot) cn

    It looks legit enough, i got it from www (dot) thegamerdepot (dot) com/buy-wood-r4i-gold-3ds-card-for-3ds-xl3dsdsids-p-150.html?zenid=p6j2lbc1usk715r8p2l6ck4a47.

    The problem is that when i click on the DS game icon thingy on my DS, i just get a blank screen. The UI does not pop ut at all. I have tried different kernel versions, and i am pretty sure i have done everything right..
    The SD card i have is a 2 gig one i purchased with the card.
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    What files are located on the root of your SD?
    eg. _rpg (folder), DSMENU.dat

    And have you tried formatting your MicroSD?
    Might be corrupted. Panasonic SD Formatter is a good choice.
  3. klaffen

    klaffen New Member

    The only files in the root of my SD card is a "__rpg" and "_DS_MENU.DAT".
    I have followed a tutorial from the site i bought it from so i am pretty sure i got that part right. I have also formatted the SD card using a tool from sdcard.org. I am sending messages back and forth with the site i bought it from, and if he can't figuire out the problem i'll probably get a new card or something.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you believe you'd done everything correctly, and it still doesn't load at all. I should assume your flash cartridge (not your SD Micro) is faulty, especially if it's newly acquired. Thus if they guarantee replacement/refund, they should. Otherwise, buy new one.
  5. klaffen

    klaffen New Member

    I got a one month warranty so i'll probably get a new card. It is not that expensive anyways so even if i do not get a new card for free (which i should), i am able to buy a new one.
    Which card would you recommend if i were to buy a new one?
  6. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Supercard DSTwo.
    That's a little more expensive, but it's worth it.

    The only other card I'd suggest is the one you're trying to fix :)
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    You actually already have a very good and well supported cart if it wasn't damaged.
    As said, go for either of these;
    1. R4i Gold made by R4ids(dot)cn or R4idsn(dot)com
    2. Supercard DSTWO
  8. klaffen

    klaffen New Member

    Thanks for the replies! it looks like i will be getting a new card for free since mine appear to be damaged :)
    the Supercard DSTwo seems to be a bit out of my price class, so if i were to buy a new one, i would buy another R4 card. The support on the site i got the card from replies really fast even in weekends so i will just trust them to sort things out.

    This thread can be locked because there is nothing that anyone here can do to help anymore :)