The ''shock'' games are awesome. System shock, the original, was a cult classic and went under many people's radar, but not so for the sequel which overall ranked higher then Deus Ex. Now I figured that while us fans all wait for a third and perhaps final run at Shodan, that we could perhaps take a moment to compare the most recent 'shock' game to it's predecessor System shock 2. Here's my verdict. Now rapture was grand, engrossing and pretty damn freaky, but so was the Rickenbacker. *thinks of the cyborg midwives and shudders* But I think that the rich ambiance of rapture, it's 1920's themed underwater city takes the win over the cold corridors of the rickenbaker's many decks. So as far as the setting of the game goes, I think Bioshock takes it. Now please understand that this decision isn't based on graphics, it would be ridiculous to comapre the two graphically, as the gap of time seperating them does not allow for comparison. Story wise, this is my opinion, but again bioshock takes it. Yes SS2 had more background to it because of the prequel, but Bioshock is simply masterful. I'm not saying system shock's story wasn't good, but as far as the writting, plot and twists Bioshock wins it. Some might disagree and to them I say, you have every right to. Now, finally gameplay and this is where SS2 really shined. Taking all the elements you'd expect out of a good rpg and incorporating them into the gamplay perfectly, it's hard to go wrong on this one. The stats and skill system worked beautifully, you actually felt and witnessed the major diffrences in controlling you're character, where as in Bioshock, gameplay was hardly diffrent throughout all the game. Bioshock was lacking in this department, there were alot less rpg elements (if any) and it was a little more linear. The augmentation system was very basic and changed little of the actual gameplay. So anyway, overall, my vote goes to System shock 2, it's story and setting may or may not be as good as Bioshock, but the gameplay makes SS2 superior. For me as a gamer, gameplay is the most important aspect. Finally, I'd like your opinions on this as well. Any ''Shock'' fans out there??
I loved System Shock 2 and BioShock. Two amazing games. The thing is however, they are not really related. So they cant be said to be sequels or anything. Anyways, I have to disagree with you. BioShock was a fantastic game but it suffered tremendously on the PC. Physics and graphics were shoddy and glitchy. Frame rate was nothing impressive too. Even if you had a dream machine, that game would lag and annoy even the most patient of persons. For that reason I can't really say it is better than System Shock 2. True, it had an awesome story, and the powers were really fun. Choosing whether or not to save the little girls was a nice idea (Greed vs Moral Principles). Like I said, fantastic game, but it was not a classic. Everyone made it sound so amazing but when I played it I was sad to see that it was not as good as everyone made it out to be. The bugs on the PC version were really frustrating. System Shock 2 is kinda old and graphically does not compare to BioShock, but I just thought it has more to offer in terms of gameplay (as you mentioned) and I felt it was just better designed. I enjoyed it more and it did provide more of a scare. I have to thus conclude that System Shock takes it for me. I really can't wait for the new BioShock and hope they improve it, especially the PC version. Furthermore, I really hope they release a new System Shock. That would make me a happy panda.
You've misread , if you check my vote went to SS2 as well . My vote went to Bioshock for story and setting, but overall, my final vote went to SS2, so we both agree on that end. Also, I'm well aware that the games aren't related story wise, but all three titles and soon to be 4 (with Bioshock 2 coming out) are all part of the ''Shock'' franchise which Irrational games (now known as 2k boston) started. So you could say that Bioshock is the spiritual successor of the System shock games. Oh and though it's only a rumor for now, system shock 3 may soon be in the works *Crosses fingers*
Bioshock 2: you play as the first ever Big Daddy; You have the rivet gun, the drill AND plasmids. Furthermore romour has it that the plasmids can be combined i.e. flame whirlwind trap. Also, unlike the first game, you are feared by the splicers; catch one or two on their lonesome and they'll flee with their hooks between their legs ;D
I have a hard time believing that so few people have played both system shock and bioshock, there's got to be more of us, c'mon guys I want ur opinions please.
i've got a i've got a cruddy pc, and bioshock worked fantisatically on there. albeit, sometimes the dead splicers would be randomly moving.