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Bioshock and mass effect troubles

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Duncan Idaho, May 30, 2012.

  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    I wil try to explain myself celary, if any one has questions then please tell me, and i will try to answer them.

    I have recently been able to install and play both Bioshock 1 and Mass effect 1, after a couple of days Mass Effect broke down (General protection error) and now the same happened to bioshock 1, i was triying to keybind one command and now it wont run (IGBigbucks) since cash is not exactly abundant and i just had finished a battle of three elite enemies, since the command dint worked i quit modded they key (numpad 0 then i transfered it to numpad 1, last nigth it worked like a charm) now i get a white screen and my default settings are reset.

    As for Mass effect a temporal fix is uninstalling it, reinstalling it, patching it to 1.2 and then running the game, but i am sorta of looking for a more permanent solution

    Also i run both games on compatibility mode for XP SP2

    System Specs:

    Processor:pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5800 @ 3.20GHz
    Clock speed: 3192 MHz
    RAM: 2GB (i dunno if it's DDr2 or DDr3, since it's a fairly new Pc i'd assume the latter)
    Graphics card:Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset (i need to change that, but since i am not laying any 2012 games i guess it should work for 2009-2011 games)
    Sound card Altavoces Realtek High Definition Audio
    OS: win 7 ultimate
    Running Directx11
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the graphics chip probably isn't up to the job so the driver could be crashing. It could also be the keybinding software, or the cheat itself (cheats modify the game code while its running and so can have all kinds of unpredictable consequences).
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Thanks for giving me answer man!, i updated the drivers, it was what got mass effect working initially, from what i read on the bioware forums their unreal eninge is prone to crashing since it seems to hate all graphics cards, and i wonder why it isnt up to the job for those kind of old games, but it allows me to run DAO, DA2, the darkness II and fallout new vegas just fine o_O.

    As a side note i posted the wrong model, under graphics card, that is my monitor, Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) seems to be the graphics cards model

    As a side note upgrading to 6 GB of ram should be sufficient for running most things? and also what would be a good ATI or NVIDIA card model to install on the PC?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    ive never had crashes in any game based on the unreal engine. Also you didn't post the wrong model at all.

    The problem is most likely that older games tend to use openGL, which shitty intel chipsets (i.e all of them) don't support.

    Nvidia traditionally has the best openGL support, but when it comes to older engines such as the unreal and ID engines, both nvidia and ATi should handle it equally well.

    6GB would be a downgrade, not an upgrade. (unmatched pairs == half speed). You want 4GB or 8GB. Pentiums are old technology so it could well be DDR2.
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    i really dunno what DDR is the ram, is there anyway to find out w/o having to open the tower?

    And some mods on bioware forums were talking to toher members on two or three topics about the GPF issues of all 3 ME's, they mentioned that usually the drivers are the problem, and that ME does not likes ATI or handles all that well NVIDIA.

    Also can you explain me a bit of how the ram upgrading works?, i am always eager to learn how Pc's work
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    if you know the make and model of the computer (if its a prebuilt) or the motherboard (if its not a prebuilt) then its easy enough to find out using the internet. Otherwise a program like cpu-z or dr hardware 2009 might be able to tell you.

    if ME doesn't like nvidia OR ATi then they've basically made a game that won't work properly on any computer, since virtually all the graphics cards in the world use chipsets from those companies (intel's shitty chips aren't real graphics processors, matrox cards are highly specialised and last I looked weren't capable of 3D at all, and the other manufacturers that are still around are so minor they aren't even worth mentioning)

    RAM comes in a lot of forms. What we currently use (in most cases) is DDR (or its faster offshoots, DDR2 and DDR3) dual channel ram. basically DDR stands for 'double data rate' which means the speed of the ram is actually double the speed of the core memory clock. Because the ram is dual channel, in order to achieve its full rated speeds it needs to be installed in 'matched' pairs of modules (i.e exactly the same capacities, densities, speeds and timings) otherwise it can only run in single channel mode, which is half the speed.

    Because ram capacity (like everything in IT) works in powers of two, there is no way you can have 6GB of dual channel ram running in dual channel mode on a typical motherboard. (you'd need 3 pairs of 1GB modules, a typical motherboard has 2 or 4 slots. Using 3x 2GB modules would give you 6GB but would break the matched pairs rule, so it would run in single channel mode).

    Some intel boards use triple channel ram, which has to be installed in groups of 3 modules at a time (and have to be matched), although this system could give 6GB in triple channel mode, triple channel does not appear to have caught on and is only supported by a select few intel based motherboards.
  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    so 2 ram slots, and it currently has 2GB of DDR3 1333. What we dont know is if it has 2x 1GB ram or 1x 2GB. If the former, you will have to replace both ram modules to get any higher, if the latter, you can add another 2GB module for 4GB.
  9. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    how much ram do you recomend?, the whole lot of questions i am posting is that i am planning to make this a bit more gamer oriented PC, but since my knowledge of Pc's only goes as far as installing the OS and getting microsfot office to run i'd rather be armed with as much knowledge as possible.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    at least 4GB. 8GB would be better but 4GB modules are expensive and the computer might not be able to take 4GB modules. You might also need to change your OS if the current one isnt 64 bit.

    Biggest priority would be getting a graphics card (and quite possibly a new PSU). You can't game on intel integrated imitation graphics. Changing components will more than likely void your warranty and if the computer isnt fully paid for you could have problems.
  11. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Not planning to do it rigth now, i am gathering information, plus i am looking again trough the warranty, it seems it migth only cover if the machine has a defect from manufacture..., when i get on vacation (mid july *sigh*) i will give a more trought look to the contract.

    now that i notice it? if my ram is DDR3 shouldnt i use 6 or 9 GB? to not break the match?
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, DDR3 can be either dual or triple channel depending on the memory controller/motherboard. The majority of computers are dual channel, and there is no way yours can be triple channel because it only has 2 ram slots.
  13. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    I see, also i swear to god bioware and 2k need to patch their games to work with 7, bioshock wont work at all, i got it to work, turned on the PC today surprise! the game gives me a white screen... and 2k forums arent of big help, since i already did most of what they recomended but turning of the tablet service
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    turn off the tablet service, theres absolutely no reason at all for a desktop computer to be running it.