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Biggest day in NBA history: 1 JUuly 2010?

Discussion in 'Sports' started by amidoneforgood, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. amidoneforgood

    amidoneforgood New Member

    LBJ flash bosh among the top names in the coming free agent class of 2010


    as a heat fan i am ABSOLUTELY SURE WADE IS STAYING

    GO HEAT!

    (Okay so I understand you love the sport but please avoid excessive use of all caps text both in your titles & post contents it's considered rude by many & is against the [rules] :) )
  2. sla03rs

    sla03rs Well-Known Member

    not really the biggest day but it'll be pretty sweet
  3. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    i dont think LBJ will go. Cavs will keep him.
  4. mikejeriel_dejuan

    mikejeriel_dejuan New Member

    Cavs will keep LBJ and will sign another big name through trade. Probbably Shaq for Cavs lack in post defense.
  5. pb89baller

    pb89baller Member

    Cavs are going to do everything in their power to keep him, but that will mean BIG $$$ as LBJ has stated that his goal is to be a billionaire. So keeping him they might have to drop a couple of people in order to get another big name that they desperately need if they want a shot at making it to the finals. The east is getting better, Orlando is the team of the future ( they lost their all-star and still made it to the finals) Boston is dangerous when their healthy, Chicago is on the rise. So basically a one man team is not going to get them past the second round next year. Keeping LBJ is both a gift and a curse.
  6. shox3

    shox3 Member

    Do you mean 2009? Is this the NBA draft we're talking about? I'm interested to see who picks up Patrick Mills
  7. N8forlife

    N8forlife New Member

    On his blog: www.lebron2010.com there may even be a chance he's going to New Jersey :-\. I hope not though, he's a beast in Cleveland