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Big Tip

Discussion in 'General News' started by damanali, Sep 17, 2009.

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  1. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member


    What a bitch. All the lawsuits against her are valid in my point of view. She knew its wrong to take that money. Its a typo, she should have notified about that mistake.

    Its like justifying this: you spotted a wallet dropped by someone, it has a calling card, but instead of returning it, you just take the contents and spend it like its yours.

    She knows that they made a typo, then she gives crack and bull excuse that she called 3 times? Who is she? St. Peter? I could call 3 times like this, 1 call - 1 ring and drop, then 2nd call - 1 ring and drop, then 3rd call - 1 ring and drop. Did she even nerved up and went to the catering department and made the report about the irregularity? And what kind of university gives up to 29,000 dollars tip? Its a tip. As i can recall when going to hotels and restaurants. Its good ethics to tip at least 10% of what you get in the bill. so does that mean she served someone or something who got a bill of up to 290,000 dollars? single-handed?

    She should have thought of that before spending that kind of amount. Good things happens for good work, but taking advantage of those good things without that good work, gets you in trouble.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You're assuming quite a lot for someone you don't even know.

    I've gotten tipped a thousand dollars at one point and asked the man if it was an error. He said it was but he let me have the money anyways.

    I think it's somewhat unfair to the woman because the school made a mistake, yes, she also did her part too on the mistake. For a school establishment to give away that amount of said money, well, that kind of money is easily attainable.

    I don't have much to say besides that I think both parties are in the wrong.

    How do you know that she's a bitch without even knowing her? How could you even assume this without knowing what kind of person she is?

    Psht, there's a bunch of rich people who've done near to nothing to warrant good things. Look at the bail out money thing at the starting of the year. Bail out money was given to needy companies and instead of using it, it was given out as a bonus to CEOs and head honchos of the company.

    I'm actually not too sure if they can sue for fraud.

    I think the school should have given her some form of leniency. As money makes monsters out of all of us.

    As groh has pointed out, you're way too harsh on the woman.
  3. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I think you're being a tad too harsh on her...
    Its human nature to be greedy...
    A lot of people will be tempted,it is a large sum of money you know...
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If i find a wallet with small amount but no id i'd keep it.

    If big then I'd consider it...

    But one form of ID-straight to police!

    While in my kfc days I found such a wallet-$200 AUD and a BLANK CHECK SIGNED!

    (could withdraw whatever i wanted)

    So out of common curtesy I gave it to my manager (since it had id) and he gave to police...

    Weeks later-the guy personally wanted to thank me-it had all contents in check.

    My manager was weary and told me to not give real name-but I did (at time didn't realise small chance of guy finding my house and then anything could go-not that it happened-this guy was happy).

    "you restored my faith in fast food workers"

    He sent (thru store mail) $20 as reward :)

    Sad thing is-after repeating my name correctly-he still misspelt my name wrong :(

    (But if no id was there I would have taken it-sure I would feel guilty-but only after I may have bought a ps3 XD)
  5. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    ill keep small amounts
    but id think twice for an amount like that
  6. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    This topic is not about someone who earns money legally, or some establishment giving away free money. ITS ABOUT GREED

    Its what she did. Its not that US University and colleges earning millions, its a little person, trying to get ahead by thinking that some heavenly thing happened to her which she knows is wrong.

    And whats to assume? She said in court documents that she spent the money on a new car and bills.

    I want to know about this topic is, what is the wrong of Notre Dame? It has many departments and spotting irregularities is your duty as a good employee. Its hard to keep up to date the finances of the school. I know it because I help our school in keeping with finances. And its a small school unlike the Notre Dame.

    And I still stick to my opinion about the crack and bull bit.
  7. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    I think the biggest error made here is by the university. If they make a mistake, and the mistake is reported three times, they shouldn't be the ones whining in the end. I know what it's like dealing with the university's administration, and I can imagine that for a poor person (as she seems through her unpaid bills) she has decided to eventually give up telling them about it. Three calls and not a single action taken on a fault from their side, I'd get fed up as well.

    However, spending 29000 dollar in two weeks on a new car when there's a chance you'd have to give it back, yeah, that isn't right either.
  8. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    hmm... your right.

    Okay, here's my question, mostly for mds64 working at kfc, how do you get paid? does the kfc management call you and your salary is deposited in your bank asccount, or you get it personally by check or cash? and if that is a check, does it get mailed to you or do you go to the accounting department and get your check?

    cause if the woman got her check personally and not thru a phone call, shouldn't she just go to the place and person she got the check? rather than "calling" the department at fault?
  9. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    University of Notre Dame is a big university. Do you think she would be able to determine and locate which department gave her the check?

    Also, both sides are at fault. My question is during the three times she called the university, did she leave a voice message? If she had left a voice message, then it is the university's fault for not returning the call.
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I dont suppose she got the check thru mail? Cause in our university we have the so called accounting department and you get your pay there. I think that is to prevent any 3rd person interferance. But i dont know, like somebody said up there, money makes monsters in all of us. well, i hated greed but what i was so frustrated at was this:


    Gaspar, who no longer works for the school, says she suffers from depression and is frightened by the prospect of taking on a "power" like Notre Dame.

    she suffers from depression and is frightened. but she bought a new car... isnt it like she has a motive of getting rid of the 29,000 dollars very fast?
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Perhaps she had planned to buy a new car a long time?
    If I were in her shoes I'd buy a PS3,PS2,A good computer/laptop and stuff cause I wanted those stuff for a long time,not because I wanted to get rid of the money ASAP
  12. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Does the news article even mention how she received the check? This article is not telling us the full complete story at all, and we can't fill in the missing details with our own assumptions. Hence why I was asking questions instead of making premature judgments just like what you are doing.

    Greed in general is a bad quality in terms of character and integrity, but then again, that's not up to you or anyone else to judge this woman whether she's greedy as we do not know every single damn detail of this case yet.

    And given that University of Notre Dame is a huge university, an amount of $29k given to someone as a tip for catering from that University could be seen as a legitimate amount given to them as such schools do have enormous budgets. For the record, the annual tuition at Notre Dame is $38,477 per student.

    Again, you're rushing to conclusions. This incident happened within a timespan of two months. No exact time was given in regards of when exactly she purchased the car. Also, some info of her previous vehicle(s) that she owned would be helpful in regards of determining whether she bought the car out of necessity.

    The only thing I see from this article is two sides presenting conflicting information with almost no evidence.
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    We took over a small factory across the country, and the town was full of poor workers. There was a clerical error and one employee recieved 10x his normal weekly paycheck (400 hours instead of 40).

    The day after he got his check, he didn't show up for work. The error was found.

    The next week, he didn't show up for work.

    The company had the police hunt him down to get the money back. The guy lost his job all because he got 2000 dollars one week instead of 200, and was an idiot and ran off with it. Like 2000 would have even lasted him that long.
  14. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    If she did try to call them and check if it was a mistake, but they didn't reply, then it's the schools own fault
  15. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    She obviously didn't try very hard to call. It's a University, there is always someone to talk to. Especially in the Financial sector.

    I could call up university right now and speak with someone, and I graduated 3 years ago.
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