The Genius behind the Metal Gear Solid Series, the Boktai Series, Zone of Enders, Policenauts and Snatcher, is an omnipotent god in the gaming world whose words are like thunderbolts that ravage the land and cause rampant forest fires to it's woods. I was just reading up on the latest news about the MGS series and I stumbled upon this IGN article talking about Kojima's twitter account. I clicked a link going to his twitter. The guy twitters in Japanese. I was shocked. The mastermind behind one of the most original western game plots posts in friggin Japanese?! and with this shocking piece of news, I went on to youtube, and typed in his name to check for vids of him talking. As I typed in his name, I started typing H-I-D-E-O, and once O entered the search bar, Hideo Kojima came up first on the drop down bar. He was the most searched "Hideo" on Youtube. Amazing. Anyways, here goes. I click a video that actually has him talking. He talks in Japanese for a western show's interview. Why is that? How does he pull stuff off? Does he write and conceptualize in japanese then get someone to translate it? Because let's face it, if you don't speak the language often or even practice it every now and then, you don't exactly get the glimpse of things well.
He gets someone to translate it, I'm sure Kojima does or gets someone to go over the English translation so nothing is lost in translation. It's not like Kojima writes the game script anyways. If he were to translate, it'd be engrish, that'd be fun.
What nationality did you expect "Hideo Kojima" to be-american? All the best games are from japan (mostly). And it'd be easier to locate his youtube in english, where's his twitter in jap. And from what he said (and his staff) in the making of video of mgs4, he's a perfectionist... If only Shiguru Miyamoto (man who makes the mario games) became more like Kojima, to work on asperations of story rather than basing one's imagination of his surrounds... Wii music-something to do with playing his banjo (???)...and pikmin was something to do with his garden... Post Merge: [time]1267251835[/time] Only 1 had signs of engrish. I have 2, seems fine to me.
Of course I knew Hideo was Japanese, I'm not an idiot. It just came as a surprise to me that for a gaming masterpiece that appeals to the west, it's creator does not speak english on a regular basis. That's what I thought. Metal Gear 2 : Solid Snake? What version is that? I heard that the NTSC version was the one that had some engrish.