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Beware of homicidal corn husks in your vicinity

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by YCobb, Mar 18, 2009.

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  1. YCobb

    YCobb Active Member

    Yeah, I figured that would draw your attention.
    I suppose you could be wondering who I am, seeing as you apparently care enough to be reading this. But here's a word of warning: Don't. There is absolutely nothing 'fascinating' or 'cool' about me. Stated simply, I'm boring.

    Still reading? Okay, now you deserve the real story.
    My name is YCobb, it's the first letter of my first name followed by my last, so don't bug me about where it's from. And I'm not saying my actually first name, shame on you for asking, stalker boy.
    My talents are limited to drawing and writing incredibly boring intro topics. And only the first talent is really considered as such. But whatever, it's not like it matters.
    My hobbies however, are actual hobbies, basically drawing and video games. I suck at one of the two (hint hint, the one that isn't a talent), but who cares, I have fun. My favorite video game character is Sonic the hedgehog, but Mega Man is quickly closing the gap ever since I tried out Mega Man 9.
    I've been lurking here for maybe a month, downloading roms for ds whilst accumulating points I'm never going to use. (Small DS files FTW)
    Well, now you almost sort of ish know me, and this intro is done.

    Wow, still paying attention? Okay, here's the real truth: I'm just as boring as the first paragraph says. ^_^
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Welcome to the forums YCobb :)

    I don't think you're boring though because you've got some imagination that let's you write stuff like the things you said on this introduction of yours.

    @Winter: The guy who wrote "Free sex" in his introduction's title was more enticing though you are right, we somehow got Rickrolled.
  3. YCobb

    YCobb Active Member

    Eh, I tried my best, probably should have done better. But in the end, it all boils down to me being lazy.
    Anyway, thanks for the welcome.
  4. Un4goten_Syn

    Un4goten_Syn Member

    IF you could think up a subject title like that, your not really that boring. Good Job
  5. Ichigo Tenshou

    Ichigo Tenshou Well-Known Member

    Hey there Welcome to RomUlation
  6. afrokid13

    afrokid13 Well-Known Member

    sup dude
  7. YCobb

    YCobb Active Member

    Uh, was that a question?
    and thank you all for the welcomes.
  8. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    You seem about as boring as a barrel full of poisonous snakes being poured down someones pants...
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