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Better R4i Gold 3DS sticker?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Akalakawak, Jul 6, 2011.


Which sticker do you prefer for the new design of the R4i Gold 3DS?

  1. Original R4i Gold

    0 vote(s)
  2. New R4i Gold 3DS

    0 vote(s)
  3. My Design for the R4i Gold 3DS

    0 vote(s)
  1. Akalakawak

    Akalakawak Well-Known Member

    Hey people. I took one look at the "NEW" sticker on the R4i Gold 3DS and went YUCK! I'm sure some of you agree!

    So I decided to try and make it better myself let me know what you guys think.
    The one on top is the original design, the one on the bottom left is the new one, the one on the right is my design.

    Of course the real cart would be a clearer image and less Pixelated but you get the idea.
  2. aya3ds

    aya3ds Member

    i like the left one with 3DS mark lol