First time poster :] but restocking my DS and suggestions would be welcome; basic enough game, but out of the couple Sudoku games out there, is any one the best? I'm about medium level, but need to perfect my skills in between classes
there is a dsi app that is called sudoku master and sudoku student!! if you have a dsi! sudoku games for the ds - Sudoku Gridmaster for DS and Ultimate Puzzle Games: Sudoku Edition for DS i personally don't have the patience to work with soduko that often, every now and then i play my dsi game!
Thanks ace, that narrows it down to 2 out of 5 haha alas I only have DS lite, so have to download from RomU
you can download's_Brain_Training_-_How_Old_Is_Your_Brain_(E)(Supremacy).rar.html/ or there are 100 sudoku puzzles in.