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Best Pokemon + moves for catching roaming legendary

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by artschoolgrrl, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. artschoolgrrl

    artschoolgrrl Active Member

    I was working on a Jynx with the moves Mean Look, Sweet Kiss, and Pound but I still have no luck, despite throwing ultra ball after ultra ball. I was thinking the best pokemon for the job would be one who could do Mean Look, either freeze or make the foe fall asleep, and could learn the move False Swipe. I can't think of one pokemon that can learn all three though. Obviously Mew can learn anything, but you can't teach Mean Look. Are there other moves like Mean Look that prevent a foe from running away?
  2. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Diglett and Dugtrio have the ability Arena Trap. Entei and Raikou can run away while sleeping, so there's really no point. I haven't thought of going for them yet (About to beat Red, just got to Mt. Silver), but I would either use Dugtrio or Crobat (Since it's probably the fastest Pokemon that can learn Mean Look). Gallade is pretty hard to get but it can learn Hypnosis, False Swipe and Mean Look.
  3. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member


    Useful moves - hypnosis, mean look, night shade, spite, dream eater. Plus it has speed.
  4. Gallade, with a moveset of Mean Look (roamers), Taunt (Roar-ers), False Swipe (getting HP down), and Hypnosis (sleep).
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I was just going to suggest that...
    Make it have high Speed, and HP just for the hell of it so it can take some abuse. If you can get an item to boost the accuracy of Hypnosis, that's even better.

    Catch these bastards at night and use Dusk Balls (Pokemart near the Safari Zone).
  6. holoflame

    holoflame Well-Known Member


    Shadow tag ((If I'm correct) ability)
    Mirror Coat
  7. limitedxedition

    limitedxedition New Member

    If you put it to sleep it will run, but the next time you encounter it it will still be asleep. So with that being known, the next time you encounter it, use mean look or similar and it wont run or roar. Also keep in mind that you can't switch out after using mean look or else it loses effect.

    go to route 36 and 37 and switch between the two routes to encounter entei/raikou, this will guarantee that the pokemon will be on either route since they move every time you change routes and towns.

    I personally used my starter, scyther and then gastly; this took multiple encounters. i first used my starter to bring the health to red (this is the most tedious because i didnt mind it running away), then i used scythers false swipe, then the next time i encountered it i used hypnosis, and then the next encounter i used mean look. with it asleep and mean looked, i chucked dusk balls at night.

    on my other game, i skipped everything straight to gastley and brought the pokemon down with night shade. play with your own steps to be more efficient, but either way be patient.
  8. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Lol, I just find a route near town and stick to that area, and just keep entering/exiting the town until he ends up where I am. And encountering it multiple times BLOWS. Encounter it once and be done with it.
  9. Binocularz

    Binocularz Active Member

    Okay now what, I just put a sleep on Entei and did it run? ???
  10. bkwan92

    bkwan92 Well-Known Member

    well this is what i would do.... since the legends are level 40... get a level 39 to level 20 pokemon and go to new bark town with bunch of repels and ultra balls.... roam in the grass with the repels on until the legends appear use your jynx's mean look..... make sure you have a strong team, use them like a wall...... just take the damage and throw your ultra balls and hope for the best
  11. Binocularz

    Binocularz Active Member

    Let me try it dude, seems your idea is great! ;)
  12. bkwan92

    bkwan92 Well-Known Member

    well it will work but it will take some time aroud 15 - 20 max repels worth...... but you you're not lucky that like 30 max repels worth or more........ i took me about 16 max repels
  13. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I found that it is always the FIRST encounter in the area if you just crossed borders, so no need for Max Repels.
    Also, I didn't quite understand about using Ultra Balls in New Bark Town...
    Dusk Balls have higher catch rate than Ultra Balls. Ultra Balls are practically useless once you get Dusk Balls.

    ANY area is just as good, and it would be helpful if your mean looker is faster than your legendaries...Really, this is not that hard that it requires an entire thread related to the topic.

    That is your best/simplest solution.
  14. artschoolgrrl

    artschoolgrrl Active Member

    Thanks guys - so many possibilities for catching them. I'm going to work on breeding a Gallade and see how that works out.
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    Gah - I made a Gallade tonight and leveled him up and everything only to realize that the father has to be a certain pokemon for him to learn Mean Look. Are there any other moves I can teach him that will work similarly?