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Best Legend of Zelda Game

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Link69, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. Link69

    Link69 Member

    Pick a game any game and i just wonder why you chose it.
  2. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Minish Cap for the GBA, Because I enjoyed it the most... Not sure why though
  3. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

    The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask ;D
    A real classic ;)
  4. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    i agree with you. simple fantasitic. now watch as i string together alot or words in a failed atempt to make my self sound smarter than what i actually am... no never mond, but this is the game that got me hooked on the frachise, i remember i used to stay till 5 am on school days only haveing 3 hours to sleep. good days, this game is great.
  5. squallcloud

    squallcloud New Member

    I think the legend of zelda ocarina of times is the best cuz the game has some weapons or item which need to do other thing to get the item like the biggoron sword the weapon and graphic is like majoro's mask
  6. DarkSylux

    DarkSylux Active Member

    hmmm. tough call. well for the item trading sidequest i'd have to go with Link's Awakening. i think the final item was a magnifying glass that lets you see invisible enemies.

    twilight princess is pretty amazing though. not much beats running around as a wolf biting stuff, going SpiderLink with double claw shots, and fighting massive bosses
  7. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that, man ^_^

    And another great game:
    The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past ;D