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Best game of all time is...?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by alcaclarke, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    I'm creating a discussion to find out just what is the all time best game, and or the all time worst game.

    I can tell you the worst game by far had to be E.T. for the Atari. Due to circumstances, it was released too early (pressures from the Movie releasal date) and it bombed big time. they even released more copies than there were Atari's sold hoping that it would boost console sales.

    Best game? It's was hard for me to figure it out until I thought of one game and it was instantly clarified. Super Mario 64 for the Nintebdo 64. it had everything and it was not an easy game. I stayed up late everynight playing it, thought about it during the day and powered it on instantly at my arrival home from my daily grind. I had to be around 16 or so when I was playing it and I didn't stop until I 100% completed the game. The ending wasn't nearly satisfying enough though after all the time I invested into it.

    I know some people may say it was too easy of a game for them and they completed it in a day or some load but I came up slowly I guess. LOL!
  2. seerbuddha

    seerbuddha New Member

    Punch Out!
  3. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Worst game I've ever played thus far was Lord of the Rings for the SNES.

    I'm not really able to decide on what the best game I've ever played is, but most of my favorites are SNES games :p
  4. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    I played LOTR for the SNES as well and I'll have to agree.

    Best game: OOT. Runners up: Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime, Half-Life 2, Max Payne, Halo, Super Mario 64, ALTTP, Super Smash Bros., Perfect Dark, Black & White.

    That's just off the top of my head.
  5. Phreak Hacker

    Phreak Hacker Well-Known Member

    Doom fo' sho. =)

    But since we're talking about console games, I'd probably go with Contra: Hard Corps. That was an AWESOME game for the Sega Genesis.
  6. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member

    Worst game: Mario is Missing. Hands down.

    Best game: ......Come back to me on this one...
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well from my gaming experinces....

    Worst game: ....not sure, i enjoy most of the game that i play....

    Best game: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
  8. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

    My favorite game of all time has to be Gears of War. It's a new one, I know, but too addicting for it's own good.

    My favorite retro game has to be Harvest Moon on the SNES. I love that series for some reason.
  9. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Mario is Missing wasn't THAT bad. ::)
  10. Phreak Hacker

    Phreak Hacker Well-Known Member

    Actually alcaclarke said about E.T. was true - it was one of the worst console games ever made, especially for the Atari.

    Another REALLY bad game of some repute - a particular version of Zelda. I forgot the name actually, but this was made by some third party developers who tried to blend in cartoon video into the game to make the storyline more 'accessible' - yeah right. They ended up fucking up not only the storyline but also the game itself.

    You should be able to see a video of it on Gametrailers.com - they had a top 10 best/worst games of all time list on YouTube.
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

  12. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member


    The game you're thinking of was for the CD-i system. There was also a Mario game made under the same conditions (and a lot of people use for references to spaghetti).
  13. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    has to be connon fodder or who can forget streets of rage.......no cannon fodder best game defo :eek:
  14. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

    The SNES version of Harvest Moon :p I'm playing it right now on my iPAQ.
  15. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    The N64 version was 10x better. I loved it so much, I paid $40 to get a real copy.
  16. alcaclarke

    alcaclarke Well-Known Member

    I've noticed that usually a Nintendo (various consoles) game is named the best game in many peoples memories.
    That could be why the Wii is killing all consoles in sales, even thuogh it is not nearly as powerful a system as the PS3 or 360.
  17. 808stunna

    808stunna New Member

    mike tysons punch out for nes
  18. pottasome

    pottasome Member

    i guess my fav is metal gear subsistance...
    and lol the new metal gear on ps3 looks hot.. superb graphics too
  19. hen

    hen Active Member

    Legend of Zelda OOT is obviously LEGEND in gaming world and for the us counterpart I believe it is Tony Hawk series
  20. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    worst game: MK Rayearth for SNES(Yes I actually brought myself to play it through) + most of the games for 3D Disney films.(how come they even exist ???)
    best game: Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Killer Instinct for SNES, Castlevania Bloodlines (Genesis) + a lot of other SNES games and a few GBAs.