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best ff games

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kanwarrulz_123, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    all the snes & ps2 ff games are the best
  2. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    You mean 'in your opinion'
  3. romslover

    romslover Member

    I have played all of main Final Fantasy series and I have to say (in my opinion at least) that Final Fantasy 1 is the best (I mean GBA and PSX version) 8)
  4. Dazza360

    Dazza360 New Member

    Final Fantasy VIII on the PSX is my favourite, though this is possibly because it is the first one I ever played.
  5. sesa

    sesa Well-Known Member

    6 and 7(let's be honest w/o these to games rpg's and gaming general would'nt be the way it is now)
  6. 94dan

    94dan Active Member

    I hate 6 and 7.

    6 felt so linear... Whereas 5 had ultimate customization of the party... THAT was a major step.

    And 7 was utter crap. Yes, you're right, RPGs wouldn't be the way they are without it. They'd be less cliche.

    7 brought on the spiky haired protagonist cliche, as well as the oversized weapon cliche, as well as many others.

    6 did have a great final boss fight, though.
  7. mideane

    mideane Member

    in my opinion FFvii was the dogs dangly bits
  8. watch

    watch New Member

    Has to be FFX. Really, the first FF on a brand new powerful system, a great story, and, the only ever FF to warrant a sequal.
    Nuff' said?
  9. zhou

    zhou Member

    you are a retard because final fantasy 7 is the best rpg in the world it started rpg history so its is not utter crap you are ovesily not a fan of rpgs because this game created history fool so blam to you
  10. Reider

    Reider Modereider


    Final Fantasy VII didn't do much of anything. It was an alright game, but it definitely didn't anything as groundbreaking as create history. Hell, it didn't even push the PSX to the limit like the newer ones did.

    I'd have to say my favorite was Final Fantasy IX, simply due to the fact that it briefly brought back a certain balance that's been lost since IV. Just my opinion mind you, but I think at least a couple people might agree with me.
  11. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    on my opinion even ff xii was good
  12. joylou24

    joylou24 Member

    i love FF7,8,9 and X i love their stories esp. FF 8 i love the song as well
  13. 94dan

    94dan Active Member

    *WARNING!* This post may contain spoilers!

    Umm... FFVII didn't start history... There were many rpgs before it...

    RPG is one of my favorite genres. My favorite FFs would be 3, 4, 5, and 9.

    3 built on the class system, and did it well. 4 had a great story, and great characters. 5 built on the class system even more, to a great point. 9 had a good story and brought back ye motley crew of old. Err... It was even MORE motley.

    What did 7 have? Good Story? No. Class System? No. Oh. It was in 3D. Big Whoop. Give up fun and playability for crappy graphics.

    I don't have much respect for early 3D graphics. 8bit, yes. I like the ol' 8bit games. But early 3d games were usually either short or just too easy. Like, Super Mario 64.

    And FF7 was so blocky it makes your eyes bleed.

    And Sephiroth isn't that great of a villain.

    He kills people. So does everyone else. Aeris died. So what. Not the first time a playable character died. Look at 4. Practically every important character became unable to fight. One died, two turned to stone, I don't remember the rest, because I've been playing other games, like Chrono Trigger, which is another great game, and I'm going on, and on, and on, and on...

    Kefka commanded an army, and later... Umm... Actually, I forgot the end of the plot of FF6...

    ExDeath started to suck the world away, bit by bit.

    Zeromus (or, his corporeal form, Zemus) Mind-Controlled someone, who mind-controlled someone else. Several times. As well as more evil deeds, but I'm trying to make each of these short.

    Cloud of Darkness threatened the world every time someone upset the balance of dark and light. And it's hot.

    Emporer Palencia was... Well, he was a lot. Kinda like Kefka. I don't remember all of 2, I haven't played it in a while.

    And last, Garland. He was a knight of Corneria, the first town of the first Final Fantasy, but then went mad and ended up as the first boss, and the Final Boss.
  14. Valkerion

    Valkerion Well-Known Member

    Best FF IMO are:

    4: never played on snes cause i dint have one but i played of PS1 and consider it great.

    7: started me on the series and is a great game, not my favorite tho, good memories of it tho.

    12: Best in the series, great characters, a diffrent kind of plot were ur not out to save the world, cool world great script.
  15. CainMasters

    CainMasters Well-Known Member

    The first wasn't that much of a game.
    The second was kinda strange due to it's system(too random).
    The third was great though your chars were too similar.
    The fourth was crappy. Great story ??? that's a good one.
    The fifth was really great because there was a good classsystem and the chars kept their individuality.
    And the greatest of all number 6. Great story + skillsystem + secrets + sabin(mash)!
  16. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    I would say FF2 if it were not so damn frustrating, so I'm gonna go with 1 for SNES.
  17. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna go ahead and say VII, because it was the first FF game, and the first RPG, that I ever played. I loved that the battle system wasn't so complicated that I could still use it when I was 8 when I got it, but still had me thinking up new materia combinations a few years later when I came back to it on PC.
    VIII was a let down for me. The junction system is over rated, and the graphics were piss poor. Since when does photo-realistic mean your hairs made out of frickin squares?
    IX was fun for me, mainly because of the thinking I had to do when I chose my party.
    X was OK, X-2 was a let down for me, because the story never actually grabbed me and thats what attracted me to FF in the first place.
    never played XI, but its an MMO so it doesnt count.
    XII was fun, but didn't really grab me either. I kept Checking to see if I recognised something from FFTA.
    FFTA is good, good battle system, good graphics(for GBA) and good story.
    not really played I-VI, but I played II for a bit on DS but got bored quickly. anyway, rant/post over.
  18. 94dan

    94dan Active Member

    Yeah. 4th was good. Great story, and great game. Best FF, IMO.

    Oh, and you can't count the slowdown in the GBA version. That's a remake.
  19. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    in my opinion, final fantasy xii is just great, and ff x is better than ff x-2...
  20. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    To be honest Jin, FFX-2 should have been called FF for Girls. Seriously. The storyline was way too focused on Yuna finding Tidus. Bit too much finding the love of ones life. Sucked for me. Never really got past the mountain bit. Just lost interest. FFXII is OK, but I miss the old ATB battles. Fuck real time, if I want that, I'll play Kingdom Hearts.