started playing n64 on the emulator and forgot all the great games names that i had played.all i can remember is that zelda was okay but for the life of me cant think of any other good titles.
There is no "best" n64 game, but many really good ones that bring back memories of joy, like these... Top gear rally 2 Mario party 1 (before it got re-hashed so many tiems) Mario kart 64 Golden eye Perfect dark The zelda games obviously And... [me=hYpNoS]checks collection[/me] Star wars rougue squadron.
not a huge fan of racing an first person shooters.super smash bro's and games like that or rpgs that dont suck.zeldas good but i dont think there where many games like that.
You asked for the best? We gave the best, we didn't know you wanted some to your preferance... That said, n64 had few rpg games.
it had quest 64, not great but a playable rpg perfect dark was ok. the only 2 games that come to mind with n64 was mario and mariokart