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Best and worst gifts for men?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tiramisukisu, Apr 24, 2009.

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  1. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    I looked for lists of best gifts for men but I noticed most were written by women and are too cheesy.

    Please suggest good gifts I can give for anniversary (it is next week end). He is video game, comic, F1, and apple lover so maybe you guys have good ideas of gifts you/he will be very happy to receive.

    It can be material or action.

    Worst gifts you have received from girl will be helpful too. I will avoid! (>_<)b

    *He is age 26 but childish.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Sex. Amazing sex.

    But seriously, if it's an anniversary, shouldn't you know what to get him?
  3. MrInfamous

    MrInfamous New Member

    I agree with Suiseiseki. (about the anniversary, not the sex :p) just think to yourself, what would he like? a new game? comics? If you wanted suggestions, then you need to go into a bit more detail then he just likes games and comics. I got no idea what a f1 is, and apples? hell, why not get him a apple tree :D
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    F1 is formula 1 motor racing. You can buy 'experience day' packages that allow the user to do things they wouldn't normally be able to do (such as drive a tank, rally car or formula 1 car, fly an aeroplane etc). You could get him an F1 experience day.
  5. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    Yeah but I thought I could use some fresh ideas. (・-・*)

    In our two years, I have given him usual gifts like card, sweets, dinner, camera, ds lite, gundam zaku kits, rc helicopter, many clothes, scarf, socks, grooming products, silver accessory, watch, strap. He wanted ipod nano so I saved for it but then he bought suddenly this week. So I ran out of ideas. I asked what he wanted and he said just me. orz It is not helpful at all.

    The apple tree is funny. Yeah maybe something funny would be good!

    I meant Apple / Mac and F1 / Formula 1 by the way. And of course great sex is a given already not just for memorial but for everyday if possible (>.<).

    Thank you! That's a great idea! One of our friends is/was training to be an F1 driver in tokyo years ago. I'll ask about it when I get home. He wants to experience target shooting too but handgun is illegal.
  6. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Reading this just made me remember my girlfriend's birthday is tomorrow! I'ma go out and buy a present now :D
    I think the F1 experience package is a great gift. Just make sure it's something you can do together, too. Never forget the sex. Anniversary sex is ALWAYS good :D
  7. geekalot

    geekalot Active Member

    sometimes a nifty new necktie may cheer him up(if he has job) :)
  8. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    Happy birthday to your girl! It's good you didn't forget. (*^^*) It will be scary if you did!

    Thank you for your suggestion. I want to give him new necktie too but maybe he will go crazy if I give him work-related item. Lately, he works 90+ hours per week. Is that working hours natural in other countries?

    He has project for Nintendo that they are trying to finish quickly so he works so much with no overtime pay. I am not even sure if we can be together on anniversary day because of this even if it is holiday. (・-・)
  9. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    He works for Nintendo?

    (Pssssst. You're my new best friend!)

    If you have the money, a F1 experience package sounds like the best option. If not, are there any theme parks/amusement parks within traveling range? A 3 day get-away for him might be nice (you said he was a kid at heart!). Maybe you can give him a hand-made "coupon" for the amusement park that says he can redeem it for one free (meaning you pay for it ;) ) trip to an amusement park for 3 days!
  10. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Apparently cheese on a platter is a good present, but it his to be a long thin platter so it looks appealing.
  11. DSaddictforever

    DSaddictforever Well-Known Member

    woah you bought him his own DS?!
    cool. :D

    "well, if he really loves you anything would be fine for him" is a standard answer,

    but of course i understand you'd want to give him something special.

    I think the F1 experience is the best idea so far.
    or, find out what comics he's in too and buy an ORIGINAL copy of it (if he's the collector kind of dude)
    or get him a video game :p
    plant him an apple tree??? :p
  12. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    No not Nintendo directly. His company just has project with Nintendo. I guess I can't be new best friend now. (u_u)

    Keep it a secret... It is a new eroge for DS and Wii! \(>_<\) Please import it when it releases than downloading from Romulation! o( _ _ )o

    Of course just kidding. (^∇^) But he almost work at eroge company when getting job was so difficult. It was funny desperate time and I was excited because it was an interesting job. It was a company called Unisonshift (do you know?). I told him it was great opportunity as he can work with artist of Shana and Haruhi and be happy fan. But I really was just curious and amused so much at the situation. (*/∇\*)

    I convinced him much and he went to interview. But sadly, he refused to take the job. He got scared it was so naughty and geeky and wage was not good. And it is not respectable job obviously.

    There is amusement park near us. But we are both not good with amusement rides. orz

    Thank you. That is quite a unique idea. (*^^*)

    Yes because I was annoyed he borrow my DS always. (¬д¬)

    Thank you for your many suggestions! (〃∇〃v) But I did not understand original comic. There are fake comic??
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I think she means a first edition, i.e the first in the series.
  14. drew44

    drew44 Well-Known Member

    since you said its for ds someone will dump a rom for it on here eventually
  15. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    I understand now. Thank you! ♪

    I was kidding about eroge for DS and Wii. It is not! orz I don't think their project will be here too because it is a new service, not game. (^∇^;)
  16. ExeterLux

    ExeterLux New Member

    ehhh comics don't really work that way, maybe older TPBs or Graphic Novels could have "first editions" (Watchmen is the obvious one_ but a regular 24 page comic usually doesn't go beyond the first pressing

    I'd ask for a tattoo...though the F1 thing sounds rad if its feasible for you.
  17. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    You hide in a cake and when he cuts the cake you pop out and give him some good old american fashioned fun (if you know what I mean)
    anyway do you have a budget limit or its unlimited?
  18. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    Sorry I meant Japanese comic. orz But American comic seems cool. (*^^*)

    Do many American girls do that... orz What if he cuts me! o(;â–³;)o

    Maybe below US$250 if it is just item. I am not sure yet with F1 because I am still not home and have not talked with old friend. And maybe he cant take leave until work is finished. So more suggestions is good.
  19. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I think that for 250$ you can get a good camcorder and record your moments and make memories for you to view later with your kids
  20. misslucha

    misslucha Member

    I don't know... I've always found that instead of buying my man something traditional, I will always buy him something he doesn't expect. Has he been talking about anything he has been wanting in passing at all?

    Last year for my mans birthday (before the dollar crashed), I went onto Amazon, and imported him about $200 worth of DVD's that you can't get here. All super hero ones of course, and mostly cartoons! lol He-Man, Aquaman, Justice League etc.

    The shock he got, and the look on his face was priceless just because instantly he knew I would have had to have ordered that from overseas for him. And I think he appreciated that I didn't just take the easy option and buy him socks and jocks. lol

    And girl, if worse comes to worst, and you can't find him a present, just take him out for the night. Spend your money on an amazing dinner someplace special, or a nice hotel for the night and I am sure he will love that probably even more than anything money can buy. ;)
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