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Bejeweled Twist - load rom errcode=-8

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Loo44, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Loo44

    Loo44 Active Member

    Just downloaded this game and get load rom errcode=-8 - any ideas and help please? Many thanks. ;D can't get computer to say the number 8 - but that's the rom errcode=-no. 8 ------------ number four - what is going on here? lol
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Is this a joke or not?

    Format your card if you have this by every game, if you haven't, replace the firmware or get the newest one.

    Which card are you using?

    (Answer ALL my questions, INCLUDING the one on the top)
  3. fatelord

    fatelord New Member

    I've tried to update the firmware on my Acekard2i. With AKAIO 1.5 it loads the game but gives an error of corrupted save and dont go foward
    On my current firmware tho, it does not even load.. it stays on a white screen.

    All other games run fine on my microSD, is it necessary to format? o_O
  4. Loo44

    Loo44 Active Member

    I wish it was a joke - but no - errcode=-8 (that's the number four if this suddenly changes to an 8 again!). All other games working fine - only just downloaded the latest software as only did this card over the weekend. The card is R4 upgrade revolution for DS www.r4i-sdhc.com - hope this helps and thanks once again

    what's going on - changed it to an 8 again!!!!
  5. justlois

    justlois Well-Known Member

    I get the same...
    ive tried all ways to make this work

    im just gonna give up and buy it =)
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    See if the PC emulator works

  7. justlois

    justlois Well-Known Member

    that makes no sense at all =((((
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Its a emualtor that will alow nintendo ds games to be played on a PC
    Post Merge: [time]1264625147[/time]
    Any notest no icon with there firmware ?

    Also enyone else hear geting a number four - 4 problem hear , after clicking on post ?
  9. V23

    V23 New Member

    im not getting this error, just a white screen.

    using EDGE v1.6
  10. timbizcut

    timbizcut Well-Known Member

    I would assume this uses the same anti-piracy as Bookworm. Some fool in the comments section raised everyones hopes by saying it works with the R4. I've tried it on my R4 v1.18- just a white screen. On YSmenu I get a error code-4 messages.
  11. phil8715

    phil8715 New Member

    I'm not getting a error code, all I get is a white blank screen and it's the same with Bookworm.

    Why are the games not checked before being uploaded to the site?

    I've been waiting for this game for ages and now i'm sadly disappointed. :(

    I'm not a happy bunny.
  12. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    That's weird. I get errcode=-4, which is lingo for "I HAZ DSI ENHANCE".
  13. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    Working fine on acekard 2i with AKAIO 1.5.1, error codes and problems are most likely due to AP and/or DSi enhanced features (i've seen people saying both it is and it isn't DSi enhanced)

    update to AKAIO 1.5.1 and it'll work flawlessly.
  14. HF_Buick

    HF_Buick New Member

    agreed... =0(
  15. mandzipu

    mandzipu New Member

    as phil8715 wrote, I am also just getting a blank white screen, for Bejewelled and Bookworm too;

    I have a R4i card with an NDSi (both bought last summer)- how can I combat this problem? Do I need to upgrade the firmware or something? Advice is appreciated, thanks in advance
  16. Loo44

    Loo44 Active Member

    I have done a full reformat of card (obviously losing all my games in the process!) have reinstalled the software r4i english v1.15b and I'm still unable to get this game to work - any helps for a dumb old girl would be gratefully received - I'm not very techie, so plain old English jargon works well with me. Many thanks.
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I don't know what this is about but its worth a look


    Some max overload thing
  18. Loo44

    Loo44 Active Member

    Thanks will have a look and see if I can suss something out lol x
  19. paulyd

    paulyd New Member

    ive tried this rom with a arm7 fix & it still doesnt work on DSTT & R4SDHC
  20. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    I got the same thing on TTDS. Using 1.17a12 with updated infolib (9/12/31)