Every time when we start out PC there is a beep sound, so here is my problem the beep did not occur but my PC did start because I can heard Window start up a few seconds later through my speaker but I have a black screen. Anyone able to help me please.
Beeps from the motherboard indicate hardware failures. You would usually have to look up the beep codes for your motherboard, but in this case it's likely a video card problem, since you lack any video output. Onboard video maybe?
One beep means everything is fine. I don't know what a lack of an OK beep signifies, though. He said that usually he hears one beep when the computer boots up, and now he hears no beep.
Yeap what what he said. I have a grahpic card though. I was told that no beep might be some part of my motherboard is fried, but my PC still start for some odd reason just a black screen with no beep at first weird........ :'(
try taking out everything (aside from what you absolutely need to boot the system (HDD, RAM, Monitor, Keyboard)) and reinsert it all until you get the beep again. That's what I do when I get any beeps
Thanks for the advice but it didn't work I have unplugged everything except 1 HD Ram keyboard mouse and headset. Same thing with no beep sound but Window still start I can still heard it from my headset...........what could have happen >_<
Bad RAM possibly... when you put the ram in, either put it in a different slot (if you have an open one), or use another RAM stick, if available for you to use (from an older PC) just make sure you have enough in the PC to start windows. XP needs a minimum of 64MB, and I believe Vista/Seven needs 512MB-1GB to at least boot up
Sadly my other PC run SD ram........mine is DDR2 so yea...... I am using Window XP and I have 2GB ram should be fine I hope. Thanks going to try it out /pray :-\ Post Merge: [time]1263952723[/time] Nope didn't work either I try using 1GB/no Ram still no beep...../sigh I am wondering is it possible some part on my motherboard burn out....??
sounds like a bad driver for your onboard video card. you may need to use your recovery disc that came with the computer to fix the problem. Have you tried booting your computer into safe mode? try hitting F8 when it is booting up
a bad driver will NOT cause the POST to not happen. his computer is not getting to the point of loading the OS.
I have heard Window start up before through my speaker the worse part is I have no graphic/the first beep when my PC start :'( I guess I have to drop it to a computer shop. I am guessing is the motherboard, but now you mention it might be the processor too :-\ I /pray is not the motherboard