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Because its the polite thing to do... :)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by lupi-loop, May 25, 2010.

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  1. lupi-loop

    lupi-loop New Member

    Hello, I am Lupi-Loop, I joined today so thought I'd pop by and say 'hello' to you all :D

    A little about myself, I suppose. I'm a girl-gaming-geek, although recently I've become a bit (*read a lot*) of an i-phone bore. Should I be pitied or mocked for having been sucked into the hype???

    Anyway, I am from the UK and besides the obvious compulsive obsession with gaming my interests including writing (one day I'll get my mega-novel published), art, travel, lazing about as much as possible, drinking wine, playing piano and walking my lovely boxer dog and sometimes even my not quite as cute but love him still significant other :p

    If anybody is still reading by this point (and I don't blame you if you've fallen asleep by now - I almost have myself) my fave. game is Persona 4, followed by Fire Emblem (any of them), Lufia 2, Final Fantasy 3 and Chrono Trigger. Oh and most Zelda games. Yep - typical girl gamer. I've recently invested in a DSTT card and hope to find some fun indy / homebrew games.

    Console wise I have everything but a PS3.

    I would say nice to meet you all, but as I am unlikely to meet any of you in person, I shall say 'hello' again, and I look forward to chatting to you on the forums.
  2. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Weirdly, there seems to be quite large number of British people on the forum : / Must be because we're so amazing, that's the only possible explanation.
    Zelda is (mostly) awesome; you have excellent taste :) It's pretty decent of you to take the time to capitalise your letter: i-s too, that's rare what with modern word processors doing it automatically and I've run out of stuff to say now so
    Hello and welcome to the forum : )
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    That was rude.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    hello :)
    you have a good taste in games, lufia 2 is one of my favourites
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Cool, another girl. Welcome.
  6. lupi-loop

    lupi-loop New Member

    I do a lot of writing, hence the reason I capitalise my "I's" generally. Plus I am a little anal about such things (that doesn't mean I get it right though!!!)

    Thanks for the welcome :)
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