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Basic questions about nintendo firmware updates and acekard 2i

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by hothkc, Mar 5, 2010.

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  1. hothkc

    hothkc Member

    Is the current Nintendo firmware 1.4 as of 3/5/10? And if i update with the "acekard firmware 1.4 johnny update" can i buy dsiware games like "Rittai Kakushi e Attakoreda" (cool 3d) and play them while using a acekard 2i for home brew? I've been away for 2 months. Thanks for your help.
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I think so. 1.4 is the latest.

    The DSi has his own memory, you download the DSiWare games to it. You can play them, even with flashcard.

    You cannot play with your Acekard AND DSiWare :p
  3. hothkc

    hothkc Member

    Thanks for the info. Are you saying you can't have the flash card in when playing dsiware games? Also how do I get dsiware games from the Japaneses store? That new 3d camera motion game is wild! Do I buy the games with my computer then transfur them?

    Thank you for your time!!

    With kind regards,

  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    You can. You only can't play two games at once :p
    I think you can't. Sorry...
    No. You start up your DSi, then:
    ) Make sure the DSi has access to the internet.
    ) Enter the DSi Shop (on your DSi menu).
    ) Buy something with DSi Points*.

    *Get them with a creditcard or in a store.
  5. hothkc

    hothkc Member

    Thanks for the info!!!

    I think you need a Japanese dsi to purchase stuff from the Japanese dsiware store. I have a US dsi.

    The on-line store features of the US dsi never really impressed me until i saw

    "Rittai Kakushi E Atta Koreda" on youtube and in reports. What sucks is its only a Japanese dsiware store game.
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