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Barbie and The Three Musketeers

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by motorolax, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. motorolax

    motorolax Member

    Game is not opening on the R4 and dstt, any patch or something? thanks
  2. lovelove

    lovelove Member

    same as iv tryed 17.a unofi and 17.0 on dstt & r4 :-*
  3. hothkc

    hothkc Member

    Works on Acekard 2i with latest loader (my kids love barbie...it could be worse). Do you have the latest firm? With the r4 it can get complicated.
  4. budijoe

    budijoe Member

    Well, i did have R4. Could it still possible make this barbie run in my R4 DS? My daughter loves the barbie series... And unfortunately, not much of support here... Thanks..
  5. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Update your firmware, reformat SD card, Corrupted download etc. Try the basics first. Also next time please post in the technical help section since more people will be able to see the problem and elaborate on it.
  6. cherjohn

    cherjohn Member

    did all that allready still doesnt work, any other ideas?
  7. cherjohn

    cherjohn Member

    Ninten-da has began releasing games that are dsi enhanced to take advantage of the camera in the dsi. However even if you do patch the game the dsi updates its firmware by itself to make mod cards no longer work. This is not the case with the DS. As far as I know there is no patch yet but if it does surface it's gonna probably just work for the DS. Also the new dsi games are larger and take advantage of flash memory in the dsi that the ds must work around.