If these guys were reformed, that is they've gone the straight & narrow path, or simply became good guys & got together & put up a barber's shop, who among them would you want to do your hair? Freddy Kreuger Jason Voorhees leatherface Lady deathstrike or Chuckie Schumer Me I'd want Freddy Kreuger because he likes to pay attention to detail ;D
Edward Scissorhands was not a villain & the other guy you mentioned I know not & oh yeah I forgot vincent from house of wax too
Oh really man that's nasty, anyway since he's a real barber then I guess he can't fit the poll scenario
havnt seen the movie, only read the book which is pretty old. And yeah I guess ed wasnt a villan, but where does it say villan? the poll says who is you fave barber? and the title is barbers from hell, so id say ed fits in there, as would sweeny todd.