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Discussion in 'Site Support' started by Suiseiseki, Jul 13, 2009.

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  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I heard on the grapevine that Littlekill and Void got banned. Can anyone explain why?

    And just so we're clear, "explain" here involves concise answers, not pathetically vague attempts at an excuse like "he was trolling".
  2. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    If this is true, I'd really like to know myself.
  3. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    Void and LK got banned? WTF why?! Anyone out there have answers? I just want to know WHY!
  4. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    That is not a reply. Just an easy way to get your post count up. Keep this up and the moderators will be all over you...
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Anything to get them to this thread faster, friend. I want some answers.
  6. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    The thought of this doesn't really bother me.
  7. -a55-

    -a55- Well-Known Member

    if they are banned there is a good reason for it, also, did none of you think to look at their user profile?
  8. Kokonotot

    Kokonotot New Member


    Moderator edit: Hey kokonot. I appreciate your support for following the rules, but try to tone down the language a little and please keep the caps to a minimum.
  9. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    How about someone who knows what they're talking about respond?
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I just looked up Void and it says that he is online.
  11. -a55-

    -a55- Well-Known Member

    If a person is banned it will say in their user profile, also if you actually look you can see that both of them were last active today, if that's too hard for you to comprehend, that means they have probably not been banned.
  12. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    Um. First of all there is no need to shout. Secondly, language and lastly, whats with the agression?
  13. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    There's this thing called an IP ban? That doesn't show up in profiles?

    Please, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't talk.
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    If there is a good reason for it, then it won't hurt for me to ask details, will it? I believe I'm well within my rights as a user of this forum to do so.

    I can tell you with complete certainty that he is not, in fact, online.

    If you weren't such a pretentious douchebag, you'd realise that I probably know a lot more about this than you do. It doesn't need to say that they have been banned. It probably never was meant to say they were banned, for that matter. The point is, I know for a fact that both Littlekill and Void are banned from RomUlation forums, and I would like to be told why by someone who actually knows what the fuck they are talking about. Good day to you, sir.
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I honest to fuck have no idea what's going on here but this is getting out of hand.

    I don't know why Void and LK are banned, I didn't even know they were banned until I read this so I'm assuming something went down and I missed it.
    I have no idea who you are but I can safely say you're not going to be here much longer.
    Not necessarily, its possible they're just IP banned and that wouldn't show up on their profiles. They're certainly making a scene about it in IRC so I have my doubts that they're lying.
    I appreciate that you're at least attempting to make my job easier but there's a reason normal users aren't allowed to correct other users in such a manner. Please refrain from doing so in the future.

    I'm going against my better judgment here and leaving this open but if I see anymore of this shit I'm deleting everything but the first post and locking it so the only ones who can reply are Seph and loony.
  16. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I will try.
  17. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    I'm not surprised about this at all. This is nothing new to me...

    I'm interested in a full explanation as well.
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    they've been banned before (well i know little kill has)

    littlekill's is probably because the only things he posts, although funny are always pointlessly rude and unnecessary

    not even seen void on here in a long time so have no idea
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Firstly, there are two types of ban. A forum ban, and a site ban. Only the latter says 'banned' on the user account. Posting stupid game comments, abusing the download system, possessing multiple accounts and/or acting as if you have a right to the services this site provides will earn you both types of ban. Trolling on the forum will generally only earn you a forum ban. To my knowledge we have never awarded a site ban but not forum.

    It is true that LK and void are both banned, and in normal circumstances they may only have been warned, however both of them have had multiple warnings and have been banned several times in the past. We don't give clean slates here, any record you get is permanent, and it does affect how you are dealt with in the event of future rule violations. They broke rules, they got unusually harsh punishments on account of their records.

    Suiseiseki: 'He was trolling' is hardly an excuse, trolling is not permitted on these forums and will result in a warning/ban/whatever. The primary purpose of these forums is to provide support for users of our website, and trolls on the forum do not give a good impression, nor do they encourage users to post asking for help when they need it. We tolerated an awful lot from the two members in question. Additionally, you should bear in mind that this is a privately owned forum. Freedom of speech only applies to the extent that the admin team allows it. If you don't like that, you can leave.

    Kokonotot: That really isn't a good way to make yourself known on our forum. First impressions count for a lot, and your first post is really not an impressive one. Not only did you post in all caps, which is frowned upon in forums and just about all other forms of internet communication (Just like shouting all the time is frowned upon in real life), but you also broke three rules. 1) Do not use swearwords, 2) Do not attack other members, 3) Keep all content PG-13. Trust me, attracting the attention of the mods with your first post really isn't a good sign.

    For people arguing about online/offline, it is not real time. If it says someone is online it means they have been online sometime in the last 15 minutes (unless Seph changed the update frequency for performance reasons, he has in the past). It does not necessarily mean online now at this instant.

    So, in essence, the members in question were banned for trolling too much, and there really was no need for this thread.
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm on vacation so I honestly don't know what is going on. But void and LK banned? Not surprised. At all.
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