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Bad Eggs... help!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by RyanLilMonsta, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. RyanLilMonsta

    RyanLilMonsta New Member

    I apologize in advanced if this isn't the correct spot to ask for help with this... this is my first time posting here
    I downloaded Pokesav and have been trying all day to figure it out, but I always get Bad Eggs... I was trying to make a level 100 Shiny Beedrill on my Platinum game in my storage but theres always bad eggs... I have the met at daycarecouple, egg hatched random spot in sinnoh, any suggestions to fix this?


    Now I'm trying to do it with my party pokemon instead, when I add the code into the action replay on the computer it only shows a tiny section of the code on the actual action replay... when booted theres no code at all...

    on my action replay side of the DSi code manager it says;

    62101d40 00000000
    b2101d40 00000000
    20008088 00000032
    20000e26 00000064
    d2000000 00000000

    but when really the code is this (full party so its long)

    94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E00000B4 000000EC 92807EF8 E82ECBDB 3E7A88B3 A7B4CDC1 A48698CB D3EFE607 CEA72D90 537C58FE 16776755 3B9148AE F11FE669 BCFB7E31 928F5A3D 125FE837 82C584E7 E57DF76A 3DC39EAC B9A92F1C 5BFF8EFF 74B39239 B5995DAE 18A0B561 93961EC8 F989FAB2 6017C955 D5DF852C EB032AEE 49D44746 E0FB0FEB B69E43CB CF532C90 61966A78 3ABA8411 F31502A0 7703C436 343842C5 92EF1DB0 5C1FA61F EF567AAD FC7AECC6 0F9795D3 563F535D 0652359A 60B0A00F 3E42E2E9 54B55E7E 6BF379C4 6968B924 5FFA21BF 3A2A96F9 60252923 65A50A36 F7C5FB4B D4E050E0 BE97E0DC 324AD285 752FC272 DA7AF40E 2A2E42C6 00000000 E00001A0 000000EC 1552B309 DAB0E191 302417FD 5EBEBB77 2DD1E445 BF98CDC2 7335E3E6 05014479 4CF93FF7 2F585E9E 1057856E 1F246A64 E236574A A00650B2 B79D8092 138FF2AC 8FB78A9A DC0702BF 38873BD0 894123CF EDF7EBF2 677FB682 CB6A5CF4 D7CB59F2 4A25A6F5 6932A94C B9212A1E 50842297 CDDB6144 2A5F4761 25A05BD8 40432FC9 C3595418 50A8749F B1BB33B9 33CF0CAD 0151C003 07BD6E20 B24347DC 0214E6B6 0FF1A5D3 CD7F24FE B253AED7 377D090F D4A4491A D6336405 53AE1D69 CE9AA8B9 DDA30DC3 8A7B9704 D2F2EE3C F90D8003 85D40441 525C0812 987B9C65 BBFBF40A EA302FA1 7D4F7426 A494224C 00000000 E000028C 000000EC 4CDC4002 6D12E362 D4510F2A C833388A 99275D24 7D590D40 863EC165 ED65038D 6983DA4C 1C326C13 348036E9 4E42AE84 4CA831C9 601608CB 6416B791 8F5FA65B 8F4B92AC 30C5EF66 9BE12FD9 B38C68DD A102663A 2C0B1CBE A3EFEF71 3810FD2D F5BC8B6B 2807A826 B5E27DB9 7D196373 F2F51558 50E8AFFF 50F62B01 21F7DE42 9083B45F 802F415B C0DBF6D4 ED10AA41 26E9E90E 0B6B0F43 CE356A0D FF660AEC 246B7000 DEEF3CB2 0D125343 2C944D42 1C6254E4 9CA95EFF 315CC6B0 AB135BEE 4D32C54A 6C3C36B9 B31664DA DCD76BCA 1C6A4876 A9E284E4 E1714DF8 04FE99B6 214A233B 8543596F 64565E69 00000000 E0000378 000000EC 3760C0C2 22FD06B5 DC8857BF 4A7301FE 8234DD31 4EC02B7C 4F080DAF 5CAB6C42 D84ED569 FAAFF428 71F10F83 3E374079 A627F19C A1320D08 A3654162 A3152022 79795115 602F57E7 1E4E9BF7 086B3496 294873AD 22A414FF 58AD17CA 9D266A01 456C73C9 99C9A989 124E2E79 6D19318A 6ADC2815 5FE7A85E F98F5D34 E4D340CE 3763EAEE 30ED6E09 E607C8F9 BCAEA600 2DC5456F 1B5082B5 4814113B 2513C813 E2AEAE66 AECE453B 98B7EA06 243C3F8F A56D4A94 B934A4A5 6AAC24A8 72D5C6B0 EE7428D0 EA9F4414 F83D3082 F4B919B2 810B4057 A0198263 601EE19B 4BF5DAD7 7C3FFB78 0B6E068D 438FE799 00000000 E0000464 000000EC D8AD7EF0 304F6F76 76A07B69 DC258CEC 91408787 242A97C8 3F75A3BA 14A9BE6C 7E22D923 B8B66B13 EC475F80 A2153B25 2DD7A6E7 7E6D46F2 DB2E7CCE 21B73FF3 6265A02C D5E0B339 8F8BC4F4 64C35CDA DDF0AB46 B0181FA2 6D28AF85 D18A1DE2 7A2885F6 4FD2539C FDB71995 D3B29350 8185E95C 72C46C09 E81BDAF2 2A7E047B EEB85FF1 540D1E59 65EF746D 8E43FB09 F3D130A5 4CF117A8 B3981031 26CF2487 04EBF351 BE58123C D156C033 FDC9682B 73AF86B7 CA0E230D 9D3FEF28 EA359189 B3DCBF14 5CBD0D31 D2D10AB7 48ECA77C 32BD02F7 BAF2B83C 29670E43 281D7061 F64D64C9 B6683329 8EA1B944 00000000 E0000550 000000EC D310CE07 C5BE005C 7F4A6AD1 DB177146 BF028998 6838E93F 4255CBE9 50C19CDD EE7A5CD2 8C457C89 32B60C0C 269DB8FC D2646307 52B68C35 92DE4DC2 CBD78855 8ACC0961 2374135D 8CB68C06 58B995D2 096EA4B5 31BB0E6B 6C724F6F 4E402051 356E13D3 480E4185 2F9EC2DF DC754A72 91FDE39D 11665504 6B3A68AD D8074389 E4BBB1FC 2E8E5B01 4B600358 E33EFE6F B7E2938C C52426ED 202D4B14 08FDFDBB 0BAA4C1A 5CC03556 F8315BF3 1F0EFB5C B432C43E 4C5480C2 2414DB6D C6B1F7EE B2291E53 1F8CCDCA BB58F0C2 4D071944 FCC57D58 04B4CE5C D3B98851 839DE666 6E01E7D7 E9C3DF33 0EE49DF2 00000000 D2000000 00000000

    Is it simply too long? or is it all my code manager acting up?
  2. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    i think it's a manager problem, use pokegts or similar web site to get for free the pokemon since there seems to be a large problem
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You need to use;
    1. POKESAV (or even better POKEGEN)

    The 2nd and 3rd program are to make sure the pokemon you created are confirmed as legitimate. POKESAV is obsolete so use POKEGEN instead, but since you are trying to do a Platinum version, using POKESAV should be just fine.

    I forgot the method for Pokemon DPPtHGSS version (Generation 4 games), but it involve using a legitimate Pokemon Mystery Egg Wondercard Distribution file, which you can edit the level and type of pokemon to get, but not change the experience, as for the moves, it has to match what the pokemon in that 'level' actually get, so you'll need to see a certain pokemon site that listed the accurate move set for the related level. You could use those 2 other program to do a legal check. Where to get the program? Well, I can't provide it, you can Google it instead.

    You could look into this tutorial CLICK HERE, yes....I know its for Pokemon Black and White, but the method shouldn't derive too far from it. Good luck.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member


    I wrote this forever ago. Still relevant since it's dealing with Pokemon Platinum.

    If you don't understand PID/IV relationships, well, there's your problem.

    Also, check to make sure you don't have more than 510 EVs, illegal moves, abilities, etc. etc. Basic stuff. In fact, check for that first since it's probably one of those errors.

    You need to be meticulous when hacking. If you screw up just one little thing, it will flag as a Bad Egg. This includes hex values, what type of ball it was caught in, etc.
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    bad eggs usually show up when your hack is illegal and there is a pirated check like the one of pokemon Battle Revolution, tho it can let clever hacks pass by, aside that read the bulbapedia article http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Bad_egg