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Back to gaming: On the 3DS

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by layton16, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member

    Hi, i have had past experience with r4 carts on normal DS's however i have recently picked up a 3DS and i am looking into flashcarts for it and i was wondering if someone can give me more info on how safe it is etc..

    i just have a few questions if someone could answer

    1. I have researched the gateway 3DS is this currently the safest one to use (or will the sky3DS seem like it will be more reliable)
    2. Is there a way i could brick the DS using this
    3. Could i still use Streetpass/wifi if i have this flashcart in
    4. Will there new update to work with 9.x make any big differences that i need to know about
    5. Can i still use normal 3DS games on the 3DS if i use one of these carts

    extra info: I am still running the stock 4.5 firmware for the 3DS
    I have looked at installation videos of it and it seems simple enough

    If there is any info i need to know about please let me know

    Thank you
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    1. Safe in what way?
    2. Have you ever brick your NDS using R4? You can brick your cart with NDS or even 3DS, but you can break the handheld only by dropping it.
    5. Were you still able to play original cart on your NDS while also using R4? Of cause you can, same case with 3DS.

    Better you keep the handheld as v.4.5 for now at least until you really own that Gateway cart.
  3. layton16

    layton16 Well-Known Member


    for 1 and 2 i wanted to know if using this could stop the 3DS working at all but thats been answered now, I have read about Gateway flashcarts bricking 3DS consoles on GBA temp how common is this.

    Im hoping some one could answer question 3 as I am looking to get Omega Ruby (the official game) but im planning on using the Gateway to play all other games, I have read i could still use online/Streetpass with something called emuNAND classic i have searched it up on GBAtemp but could someone explain it more
